Venezuela: they denounce the death of a woman during a confrontation with Maduro soldiers on the border with Brazil – 22/02/2019


The deputies of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar, on the border with Brazil, denounced this Friday the death of a woman in a clash between the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and an indigenous community favorable to the entrance of humanitarian aid in the country, blocked by Nicolás Maduro's regime.

At least 15 men were shot and wounded. 3 of them are serious, according to parliamentarians Américo de Grazia and Ángel Medina on Twitter.

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Speaking on the VIVOplay online channel, De Grazia said that in the morning, 15 people were shot and wounded, three of whom were transferred to Santa Elena Hospital in Uairen (Bolívar), a native who died"

The clashes have been recorded since Thursday, the day Maduro ordered the closure of Venezuela's airspace and the border with Brazil.

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The woman who died called Zoraida Rodríguez, he sold empanadas and he was in the community of Kumarakapay, where the clash occurred.

They only took the 3 seriously wounded to the hospital: according to De Grazia, there is no naphtha or ambulance to move the others.

The member also said that aboriginal communities are "on the path of the war against usurpation"of the Maduro government, which the opposition considers illegitimate to win fraudulent elections.

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Lawmaker Larissa Gonzalez said on her Twitter account that the parliamentary commission responsible for receiving humanitarian aid at the Brazilian border was visiting the community of Kumarakapay.

Venezuela is going through a serious crisis that has resulted in shortages of food and medicine for 5 years and worsens over time.

The President of the Parliament, Juan Guaidó, proclaimed interim president, has established that priority to the entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela.

Donations from the United States and other countries can be found at collection points located in neighboring countries such as Colombia, Brazil and the island of Curaçao.

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But Maduro ordered Thursday the closure of the border with Brazil and the Dutch islands, including Curacao, while badyzing if it was appropriate to do the same with the pbadage to Colombia.

Guaidó ordered the opening of the border with Brazil and maintained diplomatic relations with the islands.

Source: EFE. AEZ


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