Evo Morales: with humanitarian aid, seek to "invade and provoke a war" in Venezuela – 22/02/2019


Bolivian President Evo Morales warned Friday that the goal of humanitarian aid in Venezuela was to provoke a conflict of war.

"We regret that humanitarian aid wants to be used as a" Trojan horse "in Venezuela invade and provoke a war", the Bolivian president has posted on his Twitter account.

We regret that humanitarian aid wants to be used as a "Trojan horse" in # Venezuelainvade and provoke a war. The Latin American brothers can not be complicit in a military intervention. Defending Venezuela, is to defend the sovereignty of #Latin America.

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) February 22, 2019

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"The Latin American brothers we can not be accomplices of a military intervention. Defending Venezuela is to defend the sovereignty of Latin America, "he said.

Later, in a speech delivered in the city of Caiza, in the region of Potosí, the president asked "what humanitarian aid" is sent to Venezuela, because "basically, it is oil" who counts.

He argued that the United States "has no reserves for many years", while Venezuela is one of the countries that has the most in the world.

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According to Morales, the real goal is "take back Venezuelan oil, with that to face other continents ".

"If there is an economic problem in Venezuela, it is a product of the economic blockade exercised by the United States," he said.

"There will be no peace if sovereignty is not respected its political sovereignty and, basically, its economic sovereignty, "he said.

Evo Morales and Nicolás Maduro, listening. (AFP)

Evo Morales and Nicolás Maduro, listening. (AFP)

"Any intervention will only bring a warconfrontation, and everyone has the right to defend themselves against economic and political aggression, fundamentally militaristic, "he concluded.

Morales is one of the main political allies of the Bolivarian regime and Bolivia one of the countries that maintains the recognition of Nicolás Maduro at the head of the state, in front of all those who support the proclaimed President, Juan Guaidó.

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Maduro, whom the opposition and a large part of the international community deem illegitimate to win during fraudulent elections, says that will not allow the entrance of the help arguing that these are "rotten" donations and that this may give way to a foreign invasion.

Guaidó, president of the Venezuelan Parliament, has reaffirmed in the last hours in a "presidential decree" the authorization to introduce badistance, which is stored in the Colombian city of Cucuta Maduro blocks him despite lack of medicine and food what is in the country since 5 years.

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Shipments from the United States, Colombia, Chile, Puerto Rico and other countries are also stored in Curacao and in the Brazilian state of Roraima.

Source: EFE. AEZ


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