The "yellow vests" presented for the 15th consecutive weekend in France


The "yellow vests", who had been protesting since more than three months against the social and fiscal policy of President Emmanuel Macron, they returned to the streets of France for the fifteenth consecutive Saturday in the hope of curbing the decline of the movement.

In its first event, November 17 282,000 jackets Yellows launched this atypical, apolitical and out-of-town protest movement, initially opposing a new tax on naphtha and demanding increased purchasing power.

The movement, initially supported by a majority of French, was the worst crisis that Macron has faced since his election in May 2017.

But last Saturday, February 16th, they were only 41,000 protesters according to official data, that the issue of "yellow vests" is used throughout the country.

This Saturday in Paris, five demonstrations were declared, according to the police. One of them came out of the Champs-Élysées Arc de Triomphe, a symbol of the French Republic, which was degraded during one of the first "yellow jackets" demonstrations, marked by numerous acts of violence. .

Protesters also plan a "walk in the rich neighborhoods" around the Champs-Elysees and a stop at the headquarters of the French employers, the Medef.

Yellow vests on the Champs-Elysees, Paris.
Yellow vests on the Champs-Elysees, Paris.

Many events are also planned outside Paris, including Clermont-Ferrand (center), where the local authorities have adopted protective measures against the announced arrival of 3,000 people and the fear of acts of vandalism.

Yellow vests in Clermont-Ferrand, in the center of France.
Yellow vests in Clermont-Ferrand, in the center of France.

In Toulouse (south), a hundred people, including "yellow vests" blocked Saturday the Amazon logistics center of the city, thus preventing any activity. With posters, they demanded that the "giants of the Web" stop avoiding taxes.

The images of violence in the demonstrations of "yellow vests" went around the world and affected the image of France, the world's leading tourist destination.

Eleven people have died since the beginning of the movement last November, mainly because of accidents in the picket lines installed by the "vests", and 2,000 were injured during the demonstrations, according to the "yellow vests" in because of "police violence". At least 17 people lost one eye and four a hand.

More than 200 cases of abuse committed by security forces have been reported to the internal police investigation body.

Yellow vests in Paris.
Yellow vests in Paris.


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