Another Labor MP leaves party because of disagreements with Corbyn | Internationale


A ninth British Labor MP decided to leave the ranks of the party for leaving the left under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn and for what he described as a "culture of extremism," he said. anti-Semitism and intolerance "of training. Ian Austin, however, will not join the new independent House of Commons group of eight ex-formalists and three other Conservative MPs who left their respective groups this week.

"I always tell the truth to my constituents in the Dudley North constituency (west-central England) and that's why I could never ask them to vote for Jeremy Corbyn as a candidate for the post Prime Minister, "said Austin, 53, at the time announce your desertion by the newspaper Express and Star. Their arguments are similar to those of the group of MPs who have already decided to leave the post. Job before him: the alleged antisemitic imprint of the party since the election of Corbyn in 2015 and the inability of the leader to present himself as a viable alternative to the Tory in power.

While Corbyn tries to cope with the internal revolt that undermines his leadership, the field of his conservative rivals also seems troubled. Dozens of MPs who had remained loyal to Prime Minister Theresa May, threaten the Prime Minister with a rebellion to avoid the prospect of a messy Brexit, that is, an exit from the European Union without agreement. Spokespeople of this group of 30 MPs and detractors and supporters of Brexit are willing to consider "alternatives" if May does not receive the support of the majority in the House of Commons to refine the agreement. on the divorce with the EU that is negotiating with Brussels.

Its main motivation is to avoid abandoning the brave EU who, in their opinion, would harm the business sector and wreak chaos in the ports. Therefore, they do not exclude supporting an amendment that will be voted on next week and that attempts to impose an extension of Brexit – it is three months from March 29th.and prohibit the exit from being consumed without prior agreement with community partners


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