The the army has blocked the border, the humanitarian aid has not arrived and the clashes caused 285 injured. The next day, the streets and border bridges, theater of fighting, were devastated.

On the Colombian side, the authorities they closed the pbad which connects the city of Cúcuta with that of Ureña in Venezuela. That's because they need a few days to evaluate the damage caused during the conflict that was generated yesterday in the region.
The Mobile riot squad (Esmad) as well as the army and the police are those who will take care of keep the area it was already cordoned off with metal fences from the Colombian police and migration.

The the landscape is sorrythere is a lot of rubbish and a few neighbors are encouraged to leave their homes to sweep the streets or take metal scraps from the burned cars.

"The situation should normalize, the temperature should drop, the government of Nicolás Maduro already proved that will not leave any help humanitarian, the borders are closed and obviously will not let in Venezuelans, "he said. William Villamizar, the governor of the department of Norte de Santander.

Venezuelan side you can always see the smoke from both trucks with humanitarian aid that were burned by the Bolivarian National Policesaid Venezuelan deputy Gaby Arellano.

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