He has been in prison for 19 years for the murder of a man alive – 24/02/2019


May 26th will be 19 years old Manuel Germán Ramírez Valdovinos entered prison, Mexican accused and convicted by the murder of a living man.

Manuel was sentenced for the murder of a man who enjoys good health and lives happily in the United States, while the father of the "murdered" he collected his life insurance million dollars.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Manuel was arrested on the night of May 26, 2000 in the city of Tepexpan, in the east of the State of Mexico, near the Teotihuacan Pyramids Zone, the most important archeological area of ​​Mexico.

He was 22 years old and had returned from his position as a music teacher in a school. (In addition, on Sunday, he was playing in the church choir of Tepexpan). It was Thursday and he had organized with his wife Esther, a little party for the first month of life of his only son.

Around 8 pm, the celebration was interrupted. A command of eight judicial police He attacked his home with violence, targeting more than 20 participants and after having brutally beaten and handcuffing him, they put him in the back of a car without a patent and with the polarized glbades. They covered his head with a hood and continued to beat him while they took him to the police station. They never presented a warrant for arrest.

When he arrived, he was introduced to the agent Araceli Godinez Sánchez, who told him that he had been arrested. "Because he's committed a homicide."

After 24 hours of detention during which he was hanged with chains and naked, they gave him electric shocks and threw chilled water to clear the evidence, they showed him the warrant. stop and they formalized the accusation of "homicide" of Manuel Martínez Elizalde.

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Manuel was stunned. I knew this man because he financially helped the Martínez Elizalde because "They did not even need to eat".

Manual He remembers that when he entered the justice center, he saw the father of the alleged victim complaining to the agents: "Not this one, he's the son of my compadre and he's going to m & rsquo; # 39; s arm. " The commander replied: "You gave us three badholes and here they are. Now, it is supported because everything is already armed with the public prosecutor's office ".

He would then learn that the man had agreed to pay $ 150,000 insurance to the agents,

Manuel was sentenced for the murder of a man who enjoys good health and lives happily in the United States, while the father of the

Manuel was sentenced for the murder of a healthy man happily living in the United States, while the father of the "murderer" claimed a life insurance of one million dollars (video capture).

Ramírez Valdovinos was sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the State of Mexico. He was transferred from one court to the other until the president of the Third Criminal Court, in Toluca. sentenced him to 43 years in prison for homicide.

All the evidence against him was a joke. The corpse that they presented (supposedly by Manuel Martínez Elizalde) it was totally different from that of the alleged victim. The complexion was different. The body was 3 centimeters shorter than which Martinez Elizalde had. Y the corpse had no scars and Martínez Elizalde had some.

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Already imprisoned and thanks to his relatives, Manuel knew that the supposed "death", Martínez Elizalde, always came to Tepexpan to participate in the festivities, I lived a few days in the huge house his father bought with his life insurancethen he returned to the United States where he lived (and lives) with another identity, and with some physical changes (it is believed that produces plastic surgeries).

For almost 19 years Manuel He sent letters to all judges, magistrates and presidents of Mexican courts without receiving an answer. He also sent letters to all governors, but he also did not get an answer.

His request for justice reached the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which He went into the business, investigated and recently decided to protect him by the Istanbul Protocol, which contains the best manual of research and documentation on torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment that exists in the world.

"It has been proven that the person who allegedly killed my husband is still alive, they accuse him of something that does not make sense .. I ask for justice and the freedom of my husband, imprisoned since 19 years for a crime that has never been committed, a crime made It is wrong to believe that there is a rule of law in Mexico, "says Miguel's wife.

What Manuel suffered was not limited to himself. The guards of the prevention and social reintegration center of Almoloya de Juárez, where he is a prisoner, has caused an abortion to his wife after undergoing an "exhaustive" examination when, pregnant, she tried to visit him.

Itzel del Campo, wife of Manuel, tells what he has lived: "In addition to bad and badl touch, I've been squatting for more than half an houruntil the delivery, I was taken to the hospital where I had an abortion. "

And he adds: "It has been proven that the person who would have killed my husband stay alive. They accuse him of something that does not make sense. I demand justice and freedom from my husband, imprisoned for 19 years for a crime that has never been committed, a manufactured crime. The fact that the rule of law exists in Mexico is a mistake. "

In accordance with the protocol of Istanbul, Manual should be issued once the recommendation is made to the Government of Mexico, but in addition to the release, sanctions will be imposed on those involved in a criminal procedure tainted by irregularitiesthe perpetrators of torture to which he was subjected upon his arrest and his entry into the penitentiary to oblige him to plead guilty, what he never did.

In addition, officials who have been aware of these facts and who have done absolutely nothing to avoid injustices, torture, submission and personal and family aggression of which they have been victims must be reported by omission.

Source: Mexico Newspapers.



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