Durán Barba says that if Cristina Kirchner wins, Argentina will be like Venezuela


The strategy of Cambiemos not to mention the economic crisis doubles the bet.

February 24, 2019

The government of Mauricio Macri see polls and fear that Cristina Kirchner develop further in a dark economic scenario. That's why, through his star consultant Jaime Durán Barba, came out to encourage, once again, the idea that "if the Kirchner wins, Argentina will be Venezuela".

In his weekly newspaper Perfil, the Ecuadorian said: "Those who commit mbad murder in Venezuela are revolutionary paramilitary guards". If Cristina wins the elections, she changes the Constitution, as she says, and arms the "barras bravas" to her Vatayón Militante. common prisoners, motorcycles and drug trafficking groups to kill their opponents would have similar custody. "

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"If it radicalizes its revolutionary position, it could directly participate in drug trafficking as do Venezuelan military leaders, apprehend the judges who fight the crime announced by one of its spokespersons and issue an amnesty." preventative for all murderers and drug traffickers. " .

Durán Barba thus shows Cambiemos' strategy of badociating an unlikely reality in the country if it governs Kirchnerism with what is happening in Venezuela.


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