Macri renewed his support for Guaidó and condemned Maduro's "crackdown" | Chronic


President Mauricio Macri reiterated Sunday the support of the Argentine government to the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó and condemned the repression by Nicolás Maduro prevent humanitarian aid from reaching that country.

"Once again, I reiterate Argentina's support to the President in charge, Juan Guaidó, and to the efforts of the National Assembly to obtain the necessary food and medicines to relieve the suffering that Maduro has inflicted to his own people ", on purpose. the Argentine president through his official twitter account.

The situation in which Venezuelans live is dramatic. I want to condemn the crackdown by Maduro and his actions to prevent the Venezuelan people from receiving humanitarian aid

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)
February 24, 2019

He also expressed that "The situation in which the Venezuelans live is dramatic, I want to condemn the repression deployed by Maduro and his actions to prevent the Venezuelan people from receiving humanitarian aid."he concluded.

The situation in which Venezuelans live is dramatic. I want to condemn the crackdown by Maduro and his actions to prevent the Venezuelan people from receiving humanitarian aid

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri)
February 24, 2019

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement stating that "The Argentine government strongly condemns the actions of the Maduro regime, which today prevent the entry of humanitarian aid from neighboring countries, intended to improve the dramatic situation in which are currently millions of Venezuelans ".

"Likewise," he adds, "is a firm rejection of the repression committed by the regime's forces, which has left several dead and dozens wounded.", he added.

He also reiterated that "the Argentine government renews its support to the president in charge Juan Guaidó and his support for the efforts deployed alongside the National Assembly to allow the entry of food and medicines intended to alleviate the suffering that the Maduro regime policies imposed on all Venezuelan people ".


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