Despite official attacks, 50 tons of humanitarian aid managed to enter Venezuela


The president of the Special Commission to monitor the humanitarian aid of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Miguel Pizarro, said Sunday that despite the obstruction of the security forces, they had managed to obtain 50 tons humanitarian aid "by other means". "This help" will be delivered in the coming days, "he said.

Pizarro also appeared with other deputies to announce his intention to denounce before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) the fire of the country. humanitarian aid on the international bridge Simón Bolívar, on the border with Colombia, they attribute to the security forces. He explained that this burning of aid constituted a crime against humanity.

"Crimes against humanity do not prescribe and it is important to remember those who also attacked Saturday a hospital where the wounded were treated," said Pizarro, who denounced the fact that the authorities "barbarism activated" and "mbadacred" indigenous, peasants and helpless "In Caracas, the usurper danced salsa on a platform."

Venezuela: two trucks of humanitarian aid were burned at the border with Colombia

At the same time, Stalin González, second vice president of the National Assembly, said that before Saturday's incidents at the border, a neutral stance could not be adopted, clearly referring to the countries that offered their mediation in the conflict. "Uruguay and Mexico can not be neutral when we see here that the usurpers of power use armed paramilitaries and people to shoot down a population that wants to take drugs and food. crimes that are happening now in Venezuela, "he said.

Against this, the Nicolás government said today that the attempt to enter international humanitarian aid was "a terrorist act" and a "false positive" to attack the country "which completely failed". "There was no real intention to provide any kind of humanitarian aid. It is the aggression of a foreign country against a country that has done nothing to anyone, "Venezuelan Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez told a news conference in Caracas.

Maduro celebrated at 23F: humanitarian aid is not entered

Rodriguez said that the violent riots took place "on the Colombian side with the complicity of the police and the government of Ivan Duque". "The burning of trucks that they say was perpetrated by Venezuelan troops is a lie, which occurred on Colombian soil and was perpetrated by the same criminals who were in the truck that landed and emptied petrol pimps, "he said, showing videos of the events.

In response to the violent actions of Chavez's forces against international aid, the United States has announced that it will "take action" against anyone who opposes the "restoration of democracy" in Venezuela, through the intermediary of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Pompeo condemned the violence that occurred Saturday on the border between Venezuela and Colombia following the arrival of humanitarian aid trucks that crossed the Venezuelan soil in the midst of riots and clashes at the borders. "The United States will take action against the opponents of the peaceful re-establishment of democracy in Venezuela", said Pompeo, for whom he is "the time has come to act to meet the needs of the Venezuelan people, who is desperate"



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