This species of jellyfish contains over 10 types of venom that it secretes spontaneously to paralyze fish or defend itself against its predators.
The protagonist of this story was the Australian Neal Cameron, the surfer posted a video on Facebook showing the meeting with a dangerous jellyfish. Thanks to the recording, I detect that it was one of the Physalia Physalis, known as the "Portuguese caravel", "blue bottle", "aguavivas", and "blue bottle", known as "Portuguese caravel", "blue bottle", "aguavivas & # 39; or "false jellyfish", about 2.5 meters long.
The video received many comments on the networks. One of the most remarkable exclaims his fear: "It's as scary, if not more, than a shark – a shark could swim and not contact you."
This deadly jellyfish has a kind of candle, body and tentacles that carry more than 10 types of poison. If a person comes into contact with its tentacles, it will experience severe pain and irritation, although children and allergy sufferers are at risk of cardiac arrest.
The mortal specimen it is quite common in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are usually found on Australian shores throughout the summer thanks to the winds. In 2017, it is estimated that more than 38,000 people were stung by these jellyfish.
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