The Lima group, ready to face Maduro | Chronic


The Lima Group Summit held in Bogota was filled with opinions and proposals on how to put pressure on the President of Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro, leave office and ratify Juan Guaidó. However, the military option was rejected. At the closing of the meeting, issued a statement with 18 points, which ensured that the permanence of Maduro and his "illegitimate regime"in Venezuela"represents an unprecedented threat to security, peace, freedom and prosperity throughout the region"

Thanks to all the countries of the #GrupoDeLima accompany our efforts to achieve the restoration of democracy in Venezuela, the conquest of our freedom and peace in the region.

We will be forever grateful to all who have supported this struggle.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
February 25, 2019

The most anticipated vote of the meeting in Colombia was that of the Vice President of the Yankees, Mike Pence, who claimed that the region "Refuse all access to external funding"to the government of Maduro and hand over to Guaidó the control of the accounts and the badets of the State."The time has come for us to do more. With great respect, the United States urges all nations present to intensify their efforts and take steps to isolate the Maduro regime."he said.

In addition, the second of Donald Trump repeated that "all options"They are on the table to resolve the crisis, but several countries have made it clear that they did not want to support a Bolivarian exit, one of them being the vice president of Brazil. Hamilton Mourao, who said: "For us, the army has never been an option. Brazil is still advocating peaceful solutions to any problem that arises in neighboring countries. We argue for non-intervention"

Thank you President @ IvanDuque for successfully hosting the Lima Group Summit. We will stand with the Venezuelan people and our allies in the region until freedom is restored. thank you, @JGuaido to meet me at this critical moment in the nation of Venezuela.

– Vice President Mike Pence (@VP)
February 26, 2019

The statement

The document containing the conclusions was revealed at the end of the meeting and in which they left his sentence to "deliberate actions of the illegitimate Maduro regime", because of the violence that prevented humanitarian aid from entering Colombia from last Saturday, they denounced the president for"deliberately subject Venezuelans, especially the most vulnerable populations, to systematic starvation of food and medicine, and access to basic services, in order to ensure their permanence in power"

They also ratified the "irreversibility of its commitment to democratic transition and institutional, economic and social reconstruction"and they expressed their"Satisfaction"in front of the growing number of countries that recognize the authority of Guaidó.

The meeting of #GrupoDeLima in # Bogotá it is a clear message of support to the struggle for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. He showed a coordinated effort of diplomatic encirclement and work for freedom. We appreciate the solidarity of the countries present.

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque)
February 25, 2019

The statement also calls on members of the armed forces to recognize the president in charge and to be "to the exclusive service of the nation and not to that of a person"


As long as during the ratification "the right of all Venezuelans to live in democracy and freedom", members of the Lima group insisted on the need for"organize free and fair elections, open to the participation of all political forces, with international observation and accompaniment"for which the"Immediate departure from Nicolás Maduro and termination of the usurpation"

Finally, they badured that "the transition to democracy must be led by the Venezuelans themselves, in accordance with the Constitution and international law, with the support of political and diplomatic means, without the use of force"


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