Stornelli bribes: tests that make it difficult for Daniel Santoro to extort money


In the 216 pages of Judge Ramos Padilla's decision appears several times.

February 25, 2019

Dozens of journalists are mentioned in the judge's decision Alejo Ramos Padilla in the cause of the prosecutor's bribes Carlos Stornelli. The journalist from Clarín and a reference from FOPEA, Daniel Santoro, is the most cited in the cause because of the friendship that binds him to Marcelo D'Alessio.

Columnist of Animals in bulk and infamous for having made one of the biggest false news of the century in the newspaper (the fake accounts abroad of Máximo Kirchner and Nilda Garré), Santoro appears in 16 occasions in the judge's brief.

It must be remembered that the relationship between Alessio and Stornelli was an exclusive idea of ​​Santoro already named. Publicly recognized by the prosecutor himself.

In a paragraph, the magistrate badures: "Fariña said about D Alessio that he boasted on this occasion of having links with the DEA and international organizations because of his knowledge of drug trafficking and he spoke of Daniel Santoro. "

To integrate

On the other hand, the businessman Gonzalo Brusa said: "Alessio" told me that "following the DEA protocols", I had to formalize a complaint to the prosecutor Stornelli, then lend me interviews for the newspaper Clarín, Todo Noticias (TN) and America 24. And if I did, my family and I would be protected by the DEA. "" Towards the end of the lunch, " continued Brusa. D'Alessio proposed that the first journalist to interview me is Daniel Santoro, from Clarín ".


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