Francisco's measures to "eradicate the brutality" of pedophilia in the Church | Chronic


The dad Francisco On Sunday, the anti-abuse summit convened at the Vatican closed for four days. Eight proposals, based on recommendations known as Inspire, were formulated under the guidance of the World Health Organization. group of ten international agencies.

In addition, the Vatican announced that after the meeting three concrete answers would be proposed: the creation of a "special group" to help the episcopal conferences in difficulty to fight against the abuses; the development of a vademecum for the purpose of bishops around the world on how to act; and writing a papal decree on the fight against pedophilia.

The measures arranged by Francisco

1 "Protection of minors". According to the pontiff, "The main objective of any measure is to protect minors and prevent them from being victims of psychological or physical abuse". "It is therefore necessary to change mentality to combat the defensive-reactionary attitude of safeguarding the institution, to the benefit of a sincere and decisive search for the good of the community, giving priority to victims of abuse in all respects "he claimed Jorge Bergoglio.

2 Francisco claimed as a second measure to maintain "irreproachable seriousness" in the fight against pedophilia. At this point, he stated that "The Church never tires of doing all that is necessary to bring to justice anyone who has committed such crimes" and promised that the institution "will never try to hide or underestimate a case".

3 According to Bergoglio, the third point must be "a real purification", because "It is necessary to impose a renewed and lasting commitment to holiness among pastors". "In reality, we must not fall into the trap of the accusation of others, which is a step towards the excuse that separates us from reality", he added on this point.

4 Fourth, the pope emphasized the importance of training seminarians and candidates for the priesthood. "That is to say the requirement of selection and training of priesthood candidates with not only negative criteria, aimed primarily at excluding problem people, but also positive in order to offer the ideal candidates a balanced formation course, oriented towards: holiness and in which the virtue of chastity is contemplated "he suggested.

5 Francisco pointed out "strengthen and verify the guidelines of episcopal conferences" as a means of "reaffirm the requirement of the unity of bishops in the application of parameters that have value standards and not only orientation". "No abuse should ever be concealed or underestimated, as the camouflage of abuse promotes the spread of evil and adds an extra level of scandal", is complaining in this sense, after criticizing the fact that this practice was "custom in the past".

6 Bergoglio mentioned the need for "accompany the abused people" and stressed that "The Church has the duty to offer all the necessary support, calling on experts in this field".

7 Focused on the dangers of "digital world", Francisco concentrated the seventh point "the protection of minors must take into account new forms of badual abuse and abuse of all kinds that threaten them in their living environment and through the new instruments they use"especially regarding sites that distribute badgraphy. "It is necessary to absolutely oppose, with the greatest decision, these abominations, to watch and to fight so that the growth of the little ones is not disturbed by their uncontrolled access to badgraphy, which will leave deep negative signs in their minds and in their lives. " soul ", he said.

8 The last point proposed by the pope to fight against abuses inside and outside the church concerns bad tourism. "To fight against bad tourism, a repressive judicial action is necessary, but also support and projects for the reintegration of the victims of this criminal phenomenon", he asked.


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