An interview with Nicolás Maduro with an American media had a strange audio failure facing a delicate issue


(VIDEO: Univision News)

The moments preceding the interview had been cordial. Nicolás Maduro He made jokes with his tie, jokes about the journalist's age and introduced him to his wife, Cilia Flores.

However, at the beginning of the interview (and as the questions progress) the time has become tense.

"Why are the people who are protesting against you dead or in prison?"he asked Tom Llamasof ABC News, in Spanish, in the presidential palace of Caracas, hand in hand with Nicolás Maduro.

The gesture of the head of state has completely changed and began to respond: "No human rights agency has held me responsible for any deaths whatsoever. You lie to Tomás"

The strange thing is that after the reaction of the president, a strange audio failure followed throughout this response.

He was then able to follow the interview in which Maduro was consulted by Juan Guaidó and a possible dialogue with Donald Trump.

Regarding the president of the National Assembly, he said: "You can go out and enter and you will have to face justice because justice has forbidden you to leave the country"

(VIDEO: Telemundo News)

As for talking to Trump, he repeated that he would do it and justified the action of the weekendwhen he repressed people trying to pbad on humanitarian aid: "We did what we had to do. Defend the border in peace"

The 30 minutes pbaded but what remained was the fact that for several seconds a strange problem in the audio This prevented him from listening to Maduro's answer to a question that bothered him.

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