He cut his lips to his dog to look like "The Joker" | Chronic


A golden retriever dog named Bobby, originally from Seoul's South Korean city, went through an ordeal after his own owner cut off the corners of his mouth to look like Batman's villain. "The joker".

The puppy is six months old and his owner has not been identified yet. Bobby was found on the street with a huge gash on either side of his mouth, almost reaching his eyes. Rescuers think that because of the knife cut, the dog can not drink or drink because of the pain.

In addition to the most visible injury, the golden retriever had a broken leg and first-degree burns infected throughout the body. It is believed that the burns were made with a flamethrower.

The volunteers of the shelter where they take care, We love dogsthey managed to raise funds for their rehabilitation treatment and to perform all the necessary surgeries. In spite of all that he has gone through, the puppy is a very good loving dog, who always demonstrates his gratitude.

"We were very anxious to heal him, there were many signs of violence all over his body, although he was strong enough to heal many wounds and diseases, he will need a lot of support to become strong again. ", said a representative of the shelter according to Daily mail.

The police of the place continues to try to find the culprit to perpetrate this abomination and asks the person who possesses information about providing it to him. "This puppy is very lucky to be alive and we will make sure everyone cares for him," said one of the officers.

"Often human misery has no limits, but animal abuse is inadmissible"he concluded.

The animal also has breaks in his body.

Golden Recover recovers first degree burns.

The animal will stay in boarding house.

They are looking for the man who hurt Bobby.


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