After their worrying state, they gave medical discharge to "the world's smallest baby"


February 27, 2019

The boy who weighed only 268 grams was unloaded and can now be home with his family. He was born prematurely after only 24 weeks of gestation.


Japanese doctors they released "the smallest baby in the world": The episode was produced in Tokyo, when Dr. Takeshi Arimitsu said that weighed only 268 grams at birth.

The child is born prematurely after only 24 weeks of gestationwhen it is normal to be 40 weeks old. In this way, he has set a new record in a registry of the smallest babies in the world, badured the BBC. It should be noted that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a baby has a lower birth weight when it weighs less than 2500 grams.


The child had to spend several months in the hospital, where he received intensive care and many of them badured that he fit in two. Currently, his diet is already normal and weighs 3.2 kg.

"I can only say that I am happy to have grown so much because, honestly, I was not sure I could survive," said the mother of "the world's smallest baby".

He flew 10 hours, he knew that his baby would cry and gave 200 bags with candy and earmuffs as an excuse.

In turn, Dr. Arimitsu badured and confirmed that "there is a possibility that babies can leave the hospital in good health, even if they were born prematurely". Although the survivability of babies weighing less than one kilogram at birth is 90% in Japan, it is reduced to 50% for infants under 300 grams.

According to specialists, the survival rate is much lower for boys than for girls, which could be related to Slower development of the lungs of male babiesmanifest BBC World.

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