The former Vatican number three already in prison for sexual assault on children


In today's trial, in which the final arguments were presented prior to sentencing, Attorney Mark Gibson stated that the five charges who weigh against Pell are serious and each carry a ten years in prison, that is to say, half a century in total. "He did not show remorse or reflection on his offense"Pointed out Gibson speaking of Pell.

For his part, defense attorney Robert Richter has submitted ten letters with references, including that of former Prime Minister John Howard, to support the good behavior of his client. Richter argued that Pell's crimes "are nothing more than a simple case of conventional badual penetration in which the child does not voluntarily or actively participate," a controversial phrase in which the press has asked at the exit of the court and the lawyer replied: "I do not know what they are talking about."

The defense also argued that the incident lasted only a few minutes and was not premeditated, but rather the product of an impulse, to which Judge Peter Kidd responded that he "It was a" cruel and unscrupulous crime "and reminded him that Pell is a man suffering from mental disorders.

During the legal proceedings, Pell was accused of badually abusing two minors between late 1996 and early 1997. The jury of a Melbourne court rendered its verdict on December 11, but the judge prevented it from being made public in order to avoid influencing another process against Pell for an act of pedophilia allegedly committed in the seventies.

The prosecutor's office on Tuesday withdrew the charges related to this second case. The judge therefore lifted the legal restrictions imposed on the first case against Pell. the highest position of the ecclesiastical hierarchy found guilty of badual badault against minors.

After hearing the verdict, the Vatican announced last night that Pell no longer held the post of prefect of the economy and banned the public exercise of priestly ministry and contact, in whatever form that is, with minors.

Pell's lawyers, who had withdrawn a bail application that Pell had previously benefited from, appealed three arguments, including the fact that the jury's verdict was unreasonable.


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