Adolfo Rubinstein explained how is the "road map" for reciprocity in medical care with Bolivia


On December 8, an Argentine musician Manuel Vilca, victim of a road accident in Bolivia, was rushed to a public hospital in that country and operated for multiple fractures. The authorities charged him $ 10,000. Even with toilet paper. This case is not the first, but Argentina wants it to be the last. And, to advance in the negotiations, Mauricio Macri and Evo Morales could announce in six months a reciprocal agreement for free care in public hospitals of non-residents.

Health Secretary Adolfo Rubinstein said on Tuesday TN: "It is only Monday that we had the first face-to-face meeting between the Bolivian and Argentine authorities and that we agreed to sign an agreement that would develop a roadmap in six months. make funding for medical care viable from one side to the other at the border"

"The goal is to achieve reciprocity of free medical care in Argentina's public hospitals so that this also happens in Bolivia with non-residents," insisted the Health Secretary.

Rubinstein said that Bolivia had only advanced this year in theUnified Health System of Bolivia"for their own citizens because until now, they had to pay care in public hospitals.

In this context, he stressed the key to the negotiation between the parties: "We must now badyze how to finance free health care for Argentines who do not live in Bolivia as happens in Argentina".

"The government of Gerardo Morales in Jujuy reported in 2018 that Bolivians receive between 5% and 10% of the medical benefits of their institutions They do not reside in this province, "said the Health Secretary, referring to Bolivians who go to this Argentine district to access in another country what they do not give in their own country.


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