The truth behind the viral video in which a pastor "resurrects" a man


Pastor Alph Lukau (wearing a blue suit) claimed that he had resurrected this man Credit: Facebook: Alph Lukau

"Get up," cries a shepherd to a body lying in a coffin, in a video that has become viral in South Africa. The supposed corpse sits rigidly while the congregation bursts into shouts and cheers. A clear staging that has been disowned by many, and has also become the subject of jokes around the world.

Pastor Alph Lukau, self-proclaimed "prophet", is being sued by a group of funeral directors who claim to have been fooled to be part of the event.

The "resurrection", which took place in front of the church of Pastor Lukau, near Johannesburg, was ridiculed on social networks and condemned by the authorities. The Commission for Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Rights of South Africa said: "Miracles do not exist, they are created to try to get money out of the desperation of our people".

The funeral homes concerned also expressed dissatisfaction, claiming that they were handled.

Three companies "deceived"

The three funeral companies who say they are deceived by the "ploy" are suing their reputation.

Kingdom Blue, Kings & Queens Funeral Services and Black Phoenix told local media that church officials had cheated on them in different ways.

The "alleged members of the deceased's family" told Kings & Queens' funeral services that they had "a dispute with another funeral service provider".

Customers also reportedly placed "Black Phoenix stickers in their private car" to appear credible to Kings & Queens funeral services when they rented a hearse.

According to the funeral directors, the casket was purchased from Kingdom Blue.

The challenge of the resurrection

But many South Africans have seen the fun side of the issue and started posting jokes on social media under the hashtag #ResurrectionChallenge.

@nmutula published these photos with the title "Initial Resurrection Package".

@mdudemeister wrote: "The food clearly has another flavor after a resurrection."

@stanleymasi He joked, "Even the animals participate."

"I already live"

Alleluia Ministries International, Pastor Lukau's church, did not respond to the interview request of the



But the information site The Sowetan reports that the church has since retreated on the badertion of a resurrection, claiming that the "dead man" was in fact "already alive" when he was taken to the church of Kramerville. .

According to them, Pastor Lukau had only "accomplished a miracle that God had already begun," according to the quote from The Sowetan.

Milton Nkosi of the BBC noted that other issues arose when a man called the local radio station to tell him that he was using the person who appeared to be revived inside. of the coffin.

He stated that the man had requested the day off to attend a funeral on the day of the famous resurrection, but he had not mentioned that he would act from his own service funeral.


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