Sad end of a woman who aborted 17 times: the worst news


A woman who aborted 17 times learned sad news after the last intervention to get pregnant.

It came to China and the woman was baptized "Xiao Ju", although this is not really her real name, in order to preserve her identity. When I was 21 years old aborted for the first time and now at 27 already has facts 17 abortions.

After the last fact abortion she has learned shocking news that her reproductive organs are so damaged that she will probably never become pregnant again.

That is, for the amount of abortions that he has facts and that his body is so destroyed that he will never be able to conceive again. The woman is a patient of the Shiyan Hospital for Maternal and Child Health Care, where she was defined as a "regular client".

And that is, an average of three was abortions per year in all this time. The woman has a relationship with her current boyfriend since the age of 21 and has never used a contraceptive, according to the journalistic versions.

When the hospital gynecologist confirmed the patient's diagnosis, she tried to make her come because of the importance of taking care of her. badual health. "I found that the lining of her uterus was extremely thin, like a piece of paper, because of the repeated abortions she had undergone. Her uterus was also very healed"She explained to the press.

But despite the warnings, the patient decided to take the abortion number 17 ensuring that raising a child was not part of his plans.

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