Two Argentine beaches, among the top 25 in South America – 01/03/2019


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The Travelers' Choice winners are selected each year from the comments of millions of members from the largest online community of travelers.

Travelers' Choice Awards highlight not only the most common preferences, but also the truly exceptional preferences that allow travelers to return to their place of origin.

In Monte Hermoso, the sun rises and sets in the sea. (TripAdvisor)

In Monte Hermoso, the sun rises and sets in the sea. (TripAdvisor)

So, they recently released the list ofs winners in the various categories 2019, among which are the most popular cities, the most luxurious hotels, the best attractions, the museums, the restaurants, the most recognized airlines and also, a clbadification which includes the biggest beaches of the world. Added to this are awards and recognitions by region, such as South America.

Choose the 25 Best Beaches in South America the opinions of travelers using the platform have been taken into account.

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From the data more surprisingly, there are two Argentine beaches among the winners. The first to 16th place: The Cantera to Puerto Madryn. And the second is Monte Hermoso, in the province of Buenos Aires, located 19 in said ranking.

The Cantera is ranked 16th in the rankings and is a clbadic whale watching site. (TripAdvisor)

The Cantera is ranked 16th in the rankings and is a clbadic whale watching site. (TripAdvisor)

The Cantera is characterized because it is a clbadic whale watching site next to his neighbor El Doradillo. There, these giants of the sea They swim a few meters from the coast and can be observed in detail at a glance (during the whale season, May to December). TripAdvisor users highlight this beach because it is "wild and natural" and, as there are no buildings in sight, you can enjoy nature at its best.

Monte Hermoso, the other Argentine winner, It is 100 kilometers from Bahía Blanca and 650 kilometers from CABA, in the Province of Buenos Aires. Its main attraction is the 32 kilometers of wide beaches which have a gentle slope towards the sea. The water temperature is a bit higher that of neighboring spas, produces hot currents that reach their shores.

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Due to its geographical location (from east to west) It's a spa where the sun rises and goes to sea, a feature that allows the visitor to stay longer without a shadow cone.

The complete ranking that awards the 25 best beaches in South America is as follows:

Noronha is in first place of the 25 best beaches in South America. (Getty Images)

Noronha is in first place of the 25 best beaches in South America. (Getty Images)

1. Baia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

2. Prainhas do Pontal of Atalaia, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

3. Anakena Beach, Easter island, Chile

4. Galapagos Beach in Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands

5. Farol Beach, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

6. Ipanema beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

7. Cayo de Agua, Los Roques National Park, Venezuela

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8. Playa Forno, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

9. Praia de São Miguel back Milagres, Maceió, Brazil

10. the mansa, Point of East, Uruguay

11. Antunes, Maragogi, Brazil

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12. Dolphin Bay, Pipa, Brazil

13. Praia Cacimba do Padre, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

14. Copacabana beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

15. Madrisqui, Los Roques National Park, Venezuela

16. Playa La Cantera, Puerto Madryn, Argentina

17. Pitinga, Arraial of Ajuda, Brazil

18. Spratt Bight Beach, San Andres, Colombia

The transparent waters of San Andrés, Colombia, are worth in position 18. (Getty Images).

The transparent waters of San Andrés, Colombia, are worth in position 18. (Getty Images).

19. Monte Hermoso, Buenos Aires, Argentina

20. Cristal Beach, Santa Marta, Colombia

21. José Ignacio beach, Uruguay

22. Bahía Inglesa, Copiapó, Chile

23. Santa Marianita beach, Manta, Ecuador

24. Cavancha, Iquique, Chile

25. beaches of Cabo Polonio, Uruguay

The wild landscape of Cabo Polonio comes last in this distinction made by TripAdvisor. (Archives)

The wild landscape of Cabo Polonio comes last in this distinction made by TripAdvisor. (Archives)


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