Guaidó received a reward from Bolsonaro and talked about his return to Caracas


Bolsonaro and Guaidó held a joint press conference in Brasilia Credit: DPA

RIO DE JANEIRO.- After receiving the head of the Venezuelan opposition at the Palace of Plbadto

Juan Guaidó

, the Brazilian president,

Jair Bolsonaro

, stressed today that he will spare no effort to restore democracy in the Caribbean country, ruled by

Nicolás Maduro

. For his part, Guaidó said that he would return to Caracas on Monday at the latest.

"We will spare no effort – in accordance with the law, our Constitution and our traditions – to restore democracy in Venezuela, and we all know that this will be possible not only through elections, but also through Clean and reliable elections ", Bolsonaro, whose administration is part of fifty countries that did not recognize the new mandate of Maduro, was launched on January 10, at the end of the year. a controversial electoral process in May of last year.

With Guaidó, Bolsonaro discussed alternatives to further stifle the Chavez regime, which is already facing heavy financial penalties and travel restrictions.

President of the National Assembly and self-styled president responsible for Venezuela, Guaidó arrived in the Brazilian capital this morning, after overseeing a frustrated initiative to smuggle humanitarian aid from the border to the border.

United States

and to attend a meeting of the Lima Group in Bogotá, composed of 14 countries in the region that have sought to find a way out of the political, economic and social crisis in which Venezuela is located. In addition to the "personal" interview with Bolsonaro, the Venezuelan opposition leader met with Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, local legislators and diplomats from the European Union (EU) .

"International pressure, the strength of Brazil, will be decisive in getting Maduro out of power," said Guaidó, who hopes to return to Venezuela early next week. "In the coming days, I will be back in Caracas despite the threats, and I will be back on Monday," he said.

Before going to Asuncion, as the Paraguayan president confirmed,

Mario Abdo Benítez

, who will receive it tomorrow at the Palacio de los López.

For Guaidó, the support he has received from almost all Latin American countries will mark a new moment in the history of the region in the defense of democracy.

"It is not true to say that in Venezuela there is a dilemma between war and peace, and in Venezuela there is a dilemma between democracy and dictatorship," he said. "They have criminalized the whole policy, but this trip is very important to gather support against the dictatorship and to overcome the crisis in our country.For the future, it will not be the fear that will paralyze us. Maduro is so weak that it is only for a moment we will imagine this unarmed regime: we would have free elections, with guarantees, "he added.

In his brief presentation to the press at the Palacio del Plbadto, Bolsonaro told Guaidó that, when Maduro leaves the scene, Venezuela will be able to count on all the help of Brazil for its economic recovery, which has already led to more than two million people. people to leave the country in recent years. "God is Brazilian and Venezuelan," joked the far-right Brazilian leader.

Bolsonaro, who refused to answer journalists' questions, took advantage of his speech to criticize previous leftist governments as well.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva


Dilma Rousseff

, Workers Party (PT), Allies of Venezuelan President Deceased

Hugo Chavez

and Maduro, his successor.

"Two former presidents of Brazil were partly responsible for what was happening in Venezuela: how can a rich, prosperous country with a wonderful people get to where it came from?" the people here woke up, reflected in what was going on there and decided to end populism and cheap demagoguery, "he said about his election last October.


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