Macri admitted the crisis, but ratified the course


Always serious, shouting several times and in front of a hemicycle divided in two, between applause on his right and boos and insults to his left. In this context, President Mauricio Macri delivered his fourth speech during the first ordinary sessions of the Congress, where he acknowledged the economic crisis and social discontent, while ratifying the course of his government and asking for patience.

Before the deputies and senators gathered in the Legislative Assembly, and in front of the flagrant absence of Cristina Kirchner, who as a senator was not present at the ceremony last year , the president seemed to launch his campaign for re-election asking the Argentines "do not give up this year" and attributes this adaptation to the fact that "any serious change involves going through difficulties", so that the country "never returns" .

The head of state spoke for 59 minutes and was interrupted several times by pro-government officers, who applauded him thirty times: knowing that the session would be spicy and constituting a kind of prelude to the election campaign, they had the mission to support it. In this period of declining popularity due to the indomitable inflation, the contraction of consumption, the closure of companies and the rise of tariffs.

But Macri was also interrupted by opponents with smiles, ironic applause and criticism of screaming pbadages from his speech. "It's a scam! What they did!", Launched Felipe Solá, a former mbadeur now close to Cristina Fernández, when Macri alluded to the achievements of his management in the energy sector. "It's a robbery for the oil companies! People can not pay for the light!", Later launched the Trotskyist Nicolás del Caño.

The Mendoza Kirchner Guillermo Carmona, in turn, shouted "cipayos" and "deliver the Falklands" after the president declared that "Argentina" had instituted a climate of confidence and unprecedented international support ", which was demonstrated at the G7 summit. 20 from Buenos Aires.

"Nobody believes you!" Cried the grandson found, Horacio Pietragalla, when Macri said that "we left the marsh".

Block K burst out laughing and ironic murmurs when Macri said that "the economy is growing, inflation is decreasing, investments and exports are increasing, poverty is decreasing, and 700,000 jobs are being created".

"Gentlemen, cries and insults do not speak about me, they talk about you.I am here by the vote of the people," said the president, which caused a standing ovation of Cambiomista banks. It was just after a box of the government singing a box at K: "Do not come back, do not come back …".

All K legislators have pasted posters bearing the #HayOtroCamino legend.

"Solid bases"

In this quasi-circus scenario, where Joanna Picetti, elected for the change, had been intrigued, the justice prevented her from taking charge of a complaint of aggression against their three children, who escaped security and began to scream. in the speaker, the president acknowledged the recession but stressed that the country now rests on solid foundations, better than three years ago.

He admitted that many Argentines could badign him a worse situation than last year and that many people would remind him that he had said a year ago that "the worst was over", but that He was "rustling with old rusty structures". very rooted, it continued to benefit those of always ".

His only announcement was the 46% increase in the amount of Universal Child Benefit (AUH).

In addition, he asked MPs and senators to discuss the reform of the Penal Code and the penal regime applicable to minors. However, he did not officially send any of the two projects to Congress.

He also said the UNU had restored the field to the Congress's disagreement: "If justice demands it, we must all be accountable, including the president's family and the president!", He said, accompanied by the Vice President, Gabriela Michetti, who led the session; Federico Pinedo, provisional president of the Senate, and a distant Emilio Monzó, president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Three sad tigers

Monzó remained in a gesture of anger and discouragement throughout the ceremony. A few weeks ago, he openly declared that he wanted to leave his post to become ambbadador to Spain. Macri ignored his request. And at the end of his speech he did not even greet him.

The leader of the PRO group of deputies, Nicolás Mbadot, who answers directly to Monzó, was also serious throughout the speech and was surprised not to applaud at any time.

Despite the president's acclaimed slogan, other pro-government legislators have been rejected and long-drawn-out: the radical Mario Negri, for example, is undergoing a difficult campaign in Cordoba for the candidacy of the governor of Cambiemos to his compatriot Ramon Mestre.

Macri bade farewell to Congress as Cambiemos' three main parliamentary swords were relegated and disconnected from his leadership.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 03/03/2019 in our print edition.


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