"Salgamos", the intimate group of WhatsApp from which Lavagna prepares his campaign


The "hard core" of the former minister responsible for preparing his candidacy consists of three economists, two diplomats and a historical media Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fernando Mbadobrio

The mystery seems to begin to reveal itself. The former Minister of the Economy

Roberto Lavagna

he conceives his candidacy for the presidency and only the details are missing to formalize it. The hard core that illuminates the project exchanges ideas and roles in the WhatsApp group called "Salgamos", which includes three economists, two diplomats and a media story.

"Those who participate in the privacy meetings are very few, a group of trust and consultation that collaborates in the formation of a space of unity," he said.
THE NATION a close friend of Lavagna.

The former minister is more and more determined to embark on the electoral struggle against the president

Mauricio Macri

and against

Cristina Kirchner

. "Let's go out" is like an idea force Lavagna to urge you to get out of the polarization.

This intimacy of Lavagna is conformed by two extremely confident diplomats, Rodolfo Gil and Leo Costantino; three unconditional economists, his son Marco, Leonardo Madcur and Carlos Hourbeigt, and his ex-Armando Torres. They design the meetings, the photos and each of the steps decided by the former minister.

Roberto Lavagna
Roberto Lavagna Source: THE NACION

Everything is discussed and decided in the WhatsApp group or in meetings that Lavagna calls home or in his office on Calle Carlos Pellegrini, near the Obelisk. "Salgamos" is also an expression to escape the crack and generate what he calls a "new moment".

"Lavagna's willingness to be a candidate is total, within fifteen minutes … But they will not announce anything until the coalition for unity is formed and consensus is reached. will not be resolved, so that there is no internal competition in the OSP ", He had confidence
THE NATION another man near Lavagna.

This requires an agreement with the other candidates for the Presidency of the Federal Alternative,

Sergio Mbada


Juan Manuel Urtubey


Miguel Ángel Pichetto,

which until now maintain their applications. The environment of the former minister is based on consensus and survey figures.

"The image of a step between the competitors is a forced coincidence: they are more dissent," they say near Lavagna. Outside this circle of courts, Eduardo Duhalde and the historical leader Julio Bárbaro are integrated in the second axis of operations and the political badembly.

The "hard core" has defined that, although Lavagna does not launch his candidacy, he will not have a "spokesperson": it would be a contradiction. But when you announce it officially, one of them will be designated. For the moment only "there are people who interpret it". For the same reason, this group is not a "campaign committee", but a group of "trustworthy and consulted" collaborators who "do not work" with the former minister, but "l & # 39; 39, help "because his professional occupations are other

Marco Lavagna, son of Roberto and deputy of Front Renovador, who relies on the confidence of Sergio Mbada, manages the economic orientations. In addition, he maintains his previous intention to run for mayor of the city of Buenos Aires.

Rodolfo Gil, former ambbadador to the OAS, manages foreign policy issues and organizes meetings and political agreements, as well as Lavagna's accompaniment to all meetings with other leaders. Thanks to his links, he takes the opportunity to gather members of weight in the Peronism, the duhaldism and in independent sectors. Leo Costantino has a diplomatic function abroad. He became the man of confidence of Lavagna in economics (2002) as a member of his cabinet and private secretary.

He met Lavagna in 2002 when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent him to pick up Ezeiza airport from the ambbadador to the European Union at the time who had been summoned by Duhalde to the ministry. He took it to Olivos and since then, it is the shadow of Lavagna: effective and off-road in the "pre-campaign".

The former Armando Torres organizes political and economic discursive lines to start appearing in the media.

Leonardo Madcur was Secretary of Economic Coordination during the management of Lavagna in Economics. He was a remarkable young man in the management of debt restructuring in 2002. Carlos Hourbeigt was until a month ago director of the National Securities Commission. It was not with Lavagna in economics, but was later bound. Manages numbers, surveys and relationships.

It is not excluded that if the project advances, this original WhatsApp group will be turned into a campaign team. One of the definite strategic issues is that there will be no agreement with Cristina Kirchner. Lavagna will try to find the disgruntled votes of Macri and his predecessor, as well as independents who do not wish to vote for one of them.

The second definition is the economy: Lavagna will talk about releasing unused resources from production and labor, with a program of growth and not adjustment. It will focus on three fundamental pillars: consumption, investment and exports. And to coordinate relative prices: inflation, exchange rate, wages, productivity, interest rate and tax system.


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