With a strong tone of opposition, 8M's final document called for an end to gender-based violence


After 8:30 pm, the feminist groups that organized the 8M mbad march they read the final document. The text had a strong political content against the Macri government, but it did not fail to emphasize in the claims that, year after year, women's groups are multiplying: the law enforcement on education complete, the approval of the law on safe, legal and free abortion and that the State he is more likely to avoid "machismo violence that kills".

"This 8M we stopped because we are part of a collective and international history and because Macri and the governors of the adjusters, with their capitalist and neoliberal violence, they intend to steal our work, bread, health and education ", condemned by the official text.

The 9-page press release accused CGT and CTA trade unions not to support the demonstrations. "They turned their backs on our movement by not calling the 8M strike, we are once again calling for an effective general strike for our demands."

In another of the points, the organizers of the mbadive march remembered "the green tide He flooded the streets and squares of all of Argentina and the world in 2018 "and again demanded that the abortion be legal, safe and free, and also called for a halt to the national reform or sectoral work, pension reform and effectively the Catholic Church of the State and its powers.

"Enough adjustments, layoffs and tariffs: adjustment and layoffs are also patriarchal violence, we demand the termination of the agreement with the IMF and the non-payment of external debt ", they said. They also insisted on the request to provide public production of Misoprostol and Mifepristone, as well as "effective implementation of comprehensive baduality education lay people, scientists, feminists and from a gender perspective ".

In response to the issue of gender-based violence, the report left statistics on women's deaths and asked for more money to avoid them: "Machismo, misogyny and hate kill us. Until 2019, there were 48 feminicides and 16 trans / transvestics in 67 days. We denounce the genocide of the transva. More girls or teenagers harbaded, abused, raped, murdered. "

The complete document

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