Juan Guaidó asked to support the mobilization and called all Venezuelans to go to Caracas – 03/09/2019


With a megaphone and in the middle of a new mbad demonstration, Juan Guaidó asked Saturday to maintain the mobilization on the streets and to propose a new tour of the country with the aim of: "all Venezuela comes to Caracas".

"We will continue to be mobilized (…) .I announce my trip, that of the deputies of Venezuela to bring them to Caracas," said Guaidó.

The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, during a demonstration in Caracas. EFE Photo

The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, during a demonstration in Caracas. EFE Photo

"We must go to the capture and conquest of power, spaces, as we did today in the municipality of Libertador.We must go to the conquest of spaces peacefully, we must unite, then unite, so that all Venezuela come to Caracas because we need all of you united, "he insisted.

Venezuela is in victory and is heading for victory.

So that they do not block us, we will announce progressively, when the time comes, the days, the hours and the States that we will visit.

We will conquer democracy! #We are all going pic.twitter.com/kzs9Et7tcB

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) March 9, 2019

Guaidó again stressed the government and badured that "the tragedy that lives Venezuela has a name and a name: Nicolás Maduro".

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The opposition leader also denounced the "family tragedy" experienced by Venezuelans for lack of drugs. "I understand and share the frustration, we can no longer be desperate," he added.

Juan Guaidó asked to support the state of mobilization. EFE Photo

Juan Guaidó asked to support the state of mobilization. EFE Photo

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"I'm coming to ask for your trust, we can not be misinformed," he said, while explaining that they were evaluating all the options to achieve "the end of spoofing." .

Saturday's demonstration took place at the request of Guaidó, who announced it last Monday, the day of his return to Venezuela after an international tour in Latin American countries to strengthen support for the country. 39; opposition.


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