Caracas again suffered a power failure after hours with a power supply


As yesterday, several neighborhoods in the capital found their power supply at dawn, but they still lost at 11 am (12 hours in Argentina), reported the daily Caracas El Nacional.

"The energy had been partially restored in several areas of Caracas and Miranda (the neighboring state to which four of the five municipalities constituting the metropolitan area of ​​the capital belong) for a duration of six hours and thirty minutes. minutes."the newspaper said.

Until Caracas is left without light, the press and many citizens and social network leaders have announced the return of electricity in various parts of the country.

"The national electricity system has been the subject of multiple computer attacks that have caused its collapse and prevented attempts at national rapprochement, but we are making great efforts to restore supply in a stable and definitive manner," he said. announced President Nicolás Maduro on his Twitter account.

The public TV channel VTV reported that more than 20 regions in Caracas had recovered electricity supply and that "communities in several states of the country were reporting a gradual return of the service", although it did not specify this. what were.

By the way, the governor of Miranda, Chavista Héctor Rodríguez, wrote on Twitter that he was guarding the public power plant to guarantee the return of light.

"We inform our people that we continue to occupy the command post of Corpoelec (the state electricity company), we have begun to gradually recover electricity in the territory of Mirandino. , the system is unstable, "he wrote and ratified the badumption that the cause of the failure is a cyberattack.

The governor of Táchira, antichavista Laidy Gómez, said that the Andean state had electricity again, cut off in much of the country since last Thursday.

According to the Coalition of Organizations for the Right to Life and Life (Codevida), the power outage, considered the most important in the history of Venezuela, caused the death of minus 15 kidney failure patients who could not dialyze due to lack of electricity. .

The acting president appointed by the parliament, Juan Guaidó, claimed that at least 17 patients died in different hospitals, a calculation brought to 18 by the deputy antihavista Jose Manuel Olivares.

In addition, several NGOs estimated the deaths caused by the power outage of 28, both inside and outside health centers, according to El Nacional.

The lack of electricity supply has also resulted in fuel shortages in several cities and the breakdown of food, among other problems.

As of Thursday at 17:00, large areas of Caracas and 22 of Venezuela's 23 provincial states are experiencing a power outage that Chavez attributed to unspecified sabotage and anti-hacking, lack of infrastructure maintenance .


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