# LostCristina: Carmona wants to summon US ambassador to Congress


"It would be really important for Ambbadador Prado to attend the Chamber of Deputies to explain how the publication of this tweet could have taken place in the official report of the 1st world power."

Thus, the national deputy Guillermo Carmona, also president of the PJ of Mendoza, asked the American ambbadador, Edward Prado, to give explanations to the Congress on the controversial tweet "Lost Cristina".

I do not think it's necessary to mix themes, but it would be very important that Ambbadador Prado come to the Chamber of Deputies to explain how the publication of this tweet could have taken place in the official record. of the 1st world power, the case of Alessio / Stornelli apart pic.twitter.com/6N19RZsnzG

– Guillermo Carmona (@grcarmonac) March 11, 2019

This phrase appeared on the official Twitter account of the US Embbady in Argentina, without any details. Subsequently, the display was removed and they said they were investigating what had happened.

The tweet of the US Embbady.

"We deleted a tweet from our account that we had not posted, we still do not know how it happened, but we are investigating," they said. In principle, the tweet referred to the defeat of the president's candidate in Neuquén.

We remove a tweet from our account that we do not publish. We do not know yet how it happened, but we are investigating.

– Embbady USAUUArg (@EmbajadaEEUUarg) March 11, 2019

Subsequently, the embbady issued a statement in which it insisted: "We categorically reject its content (of the message) .We will (…) strengthen our security measures on our social network accounts".



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