The president of the episcopate called for "giving a radical cut" to abuses in the Church – 11/03/2019


The country's bishops meet from Monday to Thursday and at the first plenary badembly of the year. Led by the President of the Argentinean Episcopal Conference (CEA), Bishop Oscar Ojea, the meeting takes place in the retirement home El Cenáculo de Pilar. On the first day, there was a direct reference to the abuses in the church that they called to give "a radical cut".

In the press section, they developed: "The meeting on the protection of minors in the Church placed us before the sin and tragedy of abuse. Sexual abuse is also an abuse of conscience and always starts with an abuse of power. The pope told us at the end of the meeting: "The phenomenon of badual abuse of minors can not be understood without taking into account power, to the extent that these abuses are always the consequence of an abuse of power, take advantage of an unfounded position of helpless abuse that allows the manipulation of one's consciousness and one's physical and psychological fragility ".

The country's bishops meet from Monday to Thursday and at the first plenary badembly of the year. It is led by Bishop Ojea.

The country's bishops meet from Monday to Thursday and at the first plenary badembly of the year. It is led by Bishop Ojea.

And it continues: "The Holy Father and the whole Church have urged us to give a radical solution to these situations. Do not hide a complaint that deserves an investigation to protect minors and vulnerable adults. It's important, essential and urgent, but that's not enough. We are called to go further. "

Ojea comes to attend the summit convened by Francis between 21 and 24 February at the Vatican, with the participation of presidents of episcopates from around the world, during which the pope launched a series of measures aimed at "eradicating brutality" of pedophilia from priests.


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