World Glaucoma Day: It's a "silent" disease that can cause blindness


In commemoration by the World Glaucoma Day, specialists in this field remember that it is a disease that is deteriorating "gradually"The optic nerve without presenting relevant symptoms.In this scenario, experts recommend the prevention and implementation of controls"at least once a year"To avoid one of the leading causes of non-reversible blindness on a global scale.

"It's a silent disease that does not show any significant symptoms that they turn on an alarm signal in the patient, so it is difficult to detect without ophthalmological control, "says Hector Fontana, head of the department of glaucoma. Saint Lucia Hospital, from the San Cristóbal district to Buenos Aires.

A test of 5 minutes

The specialist explained that glaucoma, in its different variants, is the second leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world and he badured: "It's very simple to detect and the exam does not last more than five minutes". To detect abnormalities in the fibers of the optic nerve, just take the intraocular pressure and perform an evaluation of the optic nerve, test that takes only a few minutes, less than five minutes. "With this control, this This is done for free in many hospitals, it is possible to detect certain abnormalities and control by regulating the intraocular pressure, "he explained and recommended to carry out this verification at least once a year.

"The test for measuring intraocular pressure is done with a tonometer mounted on the lamp endidura", explained Fontana. .

"If, during the test, it is detected that the intraocular pressure is high, we observe the fibers of the optic nerve and, in case of abnormalities, we act according to their degree. There are cases in which there is only one follow-up, when it comes to small modifications, "said the specialist.

This disease can manifest itself at any age, even in babies or children although there are more cases from 40 years old. "We believe that the most important thing is the prevention, the control and therefore all the devices of the City and the Nation aim to raise awareness and disseminate both the free controls and the severity of this disease that progressively degenerates vision.

The check is done in less than five minutes and free of charge in more than 200 centers across the country.
The check is done in less than five minutes and free of charge in more than 200 centers across the country.

The importance of awareness campaigns

Fontana emphasized the urgency of sensitize About this disease: "We need to make people aware of the importance of self-control because glaucoma is a silent enemy, mostly asymptomatic."

More than 200 hospitals and medical centers across the country this week they are doing eye pressure checks and optic nerve disc examinations as part of the National Glaucoma Detection Campaign.

The campaign, which has been running since 1997 and between 5,000 and 8,000 consultations a year, revealed that more than 50% of the patients badisted did not know what glaucoma was and that for more than 40% of participants, it was the first time they had had their intraocular pressure.


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