A Venezuelan journalist accused of promoting the blackout is arrested | Chronic


The journalist and humanitarian activist Luis Carlos Díaz, to whom the number two of Chavez, captain Diosdado Cabello, accused of being one of those responsible for the gigantic power outage suffered by Venezuela, was arrested by the Bolivian National Intelligence Service (Sebin).

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle BacheletHe said that he was "deeply worried" for the case and badured that a mission from his office that is to Caracas "He asked the authorities for urgent access to Díaz", reported the newspaper Caracas El Nacional.

I am deeply concerned by the alleged arrest of the reputed journalist @Luis Carlos Venezuelan intelligence services and for their well-being. The technical mission of @ONU_right who is in Caracas has asked the authorities for urgent access to Diaz.

– Michelle Bachelet (@mbachelet)
March 12, 2019

Similarly, and given that Díaz is a Venezuelan and Spanish citizen, the Spanish Embbady in Caracas contacted his family and the Venezuelan authorities, said a spokesman for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. News agency Europa Press.

"The persecution of journalists continues", the acting president tweeted Juan Guaidó after hearing the news of the disappearance.

Díaz appeared this morning, handcuffed, in the hands of Sebin's troops who searched his home, after missing nearly 12 hours, a period during which the intelligence services denied being captured.

Diaz's wife, Naky SotoThe leaders of the National Union of Newspaper Workers (SNTP) confirmed via Twitter the raid on the house, which they said allowed Sebin's troops to seize computer equipment and money.

"A commission of the Sebin raided the residence of Diaz, took computers, a USB key, mobile phones, money, among others, Diaz allowed him to be handcuffed to the raid", reported SNTP. The union added that during the raid, Díaz indicated that "was touched" and the journalists who approached the house were pointed with weapons by the officials.

The Venezuelan NGO Program of Education and Action for Human Rights (Provea) has accused President Nicolás Maduro and his "leadership" of having captured Díaz and has warned that "As has happened recently, detainees are being tortured to put pressure on them to incriminate them."

On Friday, the president of the National Constituent Assembly integrated exclusively by Chavists and the number two of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Cabello, accused Diaz, in his television show, of being the 39, one of those responsible for the breakdown in the country. Thursday.

This was written by Díaz on his Twitter account last Monday:

They no longer say it was an attack.
Neither were there two.


The new figure is five (5) consecutive attacks against the electrical system, according to official spokesmen.

It's the hyperinflation of excuses.

– Luis Carlos Díaz (@LuisCarlos)
March 11, 2019


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