"Facebook Down": theories that explain the global downfall of the social network


Facebook had its worst fall yesterday since its inception in 2004. The interruption of its service affected 2,300 million users worldwide, who could not access other applications such as Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp.

After the "breakdown" of social networks ordered by Marck ZuckerbergThey came out of the servers for almost 14 hours in places like the United States, South America, Europe and Japan.

The explanation, according to the same Facebook experts, is "data overload "on your server network.

"We are competing to launch new machines while others are falling, mostly resolved … but it takes time," said a source close to NBC Bay Area.

For its part, a Facebook spokesperson has written on Twitter about the problems of failure and access faced by hundreds of users.

"We are Concentrated to solve the problem as quickly as possible, but we can confirm that the problem is not related to a DDoS attackhe reported.

Despite the explanations of the developers of the largest social network in the world, users and experts have highlighted other theories and reasons for the fall of the applications of the family of Facebook.

A computer attack or hacking of your servers

Since the interruption of the social network began, speculation has been launched. attacke denial of service distributed (DDoS), although the company denied it and maintained that its Internet surveillance does not detect pirates or pirates.

These DDOS attacks, according to the Daily mail, are practiced for block a website or online service with a bombardment of different data, which overloads the servers, then turns them off.

These are the cyber attackers who use botnets, which are computer networks under your control through an infection using viruses and other malware.

The security researcher who manages the bad pack report, Troy Mursch, said wired What "There is no evidence of any kind indicating a malicious attack".

"Regarding a real or widespread attack, we can confirm that it is nothing," said the site specialist, who monitors networks of zombies used by hackers.

Problems with Facebook material

A spokesman for San Francisco-based Internet surveillance company Thousand Eyes said MailOnline What?the cause seems to be internal instead of a network or an internet transmission problem", which would explain the" 500 internal server errors "in Facebook.

"Given the scale and continuous changes that these web providers constantly perform in their applications and infrastructuresometimes, things are broken as a result of these changes, even in the most competent hands, "he added.

The maintenance which could have been given to the software databases used to transport the Internet traffic, as well as the hardware where they are stored, can cause a scheduled shutdown time, due to the large number of servers, users and computers connected to business applications.

Internet services in Europe

Another theory is that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Europe has diverted the traffic from Facebook.

This was emphasized by the Netscout network company's engineer, Roland Dobbins, for Daily mailwhere he said that An error in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) was able to send all the traffic generated daily by Zuckerberg's applications to the wrong address.

This error has spread on the Internet and has complicated access to social networks.

"It seems that an accidental BGP routing leak is leaking from a European Internet Service Provider to a major transit Internet Service Provider", reinforced an anonymous spokesman for The Independent.

"This was then propagated to some couples and / or flows downstream of the transit ISP in question, causing a noticeable disruption of access to some known Internet properties for a short time", a- he explained.

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