What is a "cyclonic bomb", the meteorological phenomenon that hits the United States?


The state of Colorado in the United States is hard hit by an unusual weather phenomenon in the region. He is known as "cyclonic pump"And involves such a hostile moment that has forced the authorities to close all local roads.

"All routes that cross the state, from north to south and from east to west they are closed and they will remain so until the staff of the Colorado Department of Transportation (DTC) can reopen them, "said spokeswoman Tamara Rollinson said Wednesday.

But what is a "cyclonic bomb"? According to the US National Meteorological Service, this is a combination of low pressure, cold and wet air, snow and strong winds, which manifested in the form of bursts of up to 130 kilometers at the time in the area of ​​Denver International Airport, which resulted in the cancellation of nearly 3,100 flights.

For its part, the regional transportation district has also announced the suspension of its services, as snow does not allow the use of buses and trains. In addition, authorities in the state capital have informed that at least one of the 200,000 people suffer from electrical service interruption in the western part of the city.

Vehicles stopped by the storm on Interstate 70 (Source: AP).
Vehicles stopped by the storm on Interstate 70 (Source: AP).

During, 1,100 motorists are stranded in Colorado due to the severe weather conditions imposed by the storm, which prevents the advancement of vehicles of all types in many areas of the state. Following the storm, the police confirmed that Death of the agent Daniel Groves, 52, who was absent from his patrol when he was bumped by a driver who lost control of Interstate 76, which remains closed due to the build-up of snow.

The snow removal truck is heading to Nebraska (Source: AP).
The snow removal truck is heading to Nebraska (Source: AP).

"The message is clear: do not go out, stay home," said the DTC spokesman, who said that despite simultaneous work of one hundred snow removal truckshave not yet been able to clear the streets because "the wind is very strong, the snow is too strong and visibility is zero".

Unfortunately, far from being completed, the "cyclone bomb" continues its way to the Great Plains and part of the American Midwest. This ThursdayGusts of 80 to 112 km are forecast per hour in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. According to experts, the phenomenon will reach its peak during the night, when some regions could be affected by hurricanes that can go up to 175 kilometers at the hour.


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