The Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) asked Cybernetic font unsubscription "pastillasparaabortar.mx ", a website where abortion drugs could be purchased at home.
The page, created for the purpose that any resident of the country, with the exception of mexico, could buy the drug for the termination of pregnancy, did not have professional license neither advertising permission nor specialty certificate current
For these reasons, Cofepris stated that the the website was breaking with what is stipulated in the General Health Lawso he published a health warning prevent the marketing of medicines, which require a prescription and medical supervision.
The portal, which had already been paid off, asked to call a the number in which Personal informations This was done by the company Protection and Health Pharmaceutical S. de R.L. de CV
After completing the application, a medical badessment by phone, in which a kind of clinical file has been generated. During the interrogation, the last date was requested menstrual period and family history.
After this little interview, the doctor decided whether or not I sent the pillswho had a cost of 1,200 pesos (62 USD). The group of drugs sent was a pill of mifepristone and four sublingual doses of misoprostol.
The company warned users that they were not responsible for the side effects fever, diarrhea, vomiting or heavy bleeding, and added that if there were incomplete abortion or continue with the pregnancy, the patient should go to the hospital independently to complete the procedure.
These consent clauses They were sent by email so that the user could give his consent. After that, the step was done and the sending was done.
Patricio Sanhueza, reproductive health coordinator at the local secretariat, told the Mexican newspaper Millennium that & # 39; it abortion at home represents a risk since the quality of the drugs is unknown by telephone and the protocol approved by the World Health Organization is not certain (for example)WHO)which includes the possibility of adopting and counseling contraceptives.
According to the newspaper, the phone number the virtual office is already out of orderso when calling a record, it means the number does not exist.
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