Massacre in New Zealand: Argentine government condemned the attacks – 15/03/2019


The Argentine Government condemned the attacks perpetrated on Friday in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, who left 49 dead and 48 wounded, and maintained that it was about an "attack on freedom, peaceful coexistence, inclusion and respect for diversity"

"Acts of terrorist violence, such as those that occurred on that date, constitute an attack on freedom, peaceful coexistence, inclusion and respect for diversity, fundamental foundations of our democratic societies", said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement. press

The Argentine government has "strongly" condemned the attacks and expressed its "condolences and solidarity to the Government and people of New Zealand, as well as to the families of the victims and the Islamic community", while expressing their "hope of a quick return recovery of the wounded. "

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Mbadacre in New Zealand:

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The Argentine Embbady in New Zealand would be "from the first moment in constant contact with the New Zealand authorities and the Argentinean community in Christchurch" and, according to information available to date, there are no Argentine citizens affected.

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"The Argentine Government reiterates its continuing condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, without justification, and will continue to cooperate with the international community against this scourge of international law and respect for the rule of law and human rights" he concluded. the press release of the San Martín Palace.

The gunshot attacks in two mosques in New Zealand have left 49 dead and 48 wounded, in what the prime minister called "the darkest day" in the country's history, while police arrested four "right-wing extremists", one of whom was accused of murder, and some deactivated explosives about to explode. One of the detainees was later released.

"This can only be described as a terrorist attack," said Premier Jacinda Ardern, during a live appearance in Wellington, where she confirmed the arrest of three men and women. 39, a woman not registered by the authorities.



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