San Patricio: where is celebrated in Buenos Aires – 03/16/2019


This Sunday, March 17 comes Saint Patrick. And the city of Buenos Aires will become again the theater of goblins, clovers and even good options and promotions beer.

In this context, the City organizes the eleventh version of "Buenos Aires celebrates Ireland": with entrance free, from 12 to 19 years old, in Avenida de Mayo and Bolívar, there will be more 50 stands They will offer gastronomy, crafts and other typical Irish products. At 3 pm, the Saint Patrick's parade, also on Avenida de Mayo.

Crowd Last year, Avenue de Mayo had 15,000 people. Photo: Martin Bonetto

Crowd Last year, Avenue de Mayo had 15,000 people. Photo: Martin Bonetto

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The music, dances and traditional dances of the European country will face the traditional artery of Buenos Aires. In addition, the Argentine group Streets will perform the most successful songs of the iconic Irish rock band U2.

Messages. Goblin hats and costumes are a tradition. Photo: Martin Bonetto

Messages. Goblin hats and costumes are a tradition. Photo: Martin Bonetto

Clarin Bulletins

What are we doing this weekend? | All proposals for you to organize your weekend. "Src ="

What are we doing this weekend? | All proposals to organize your weekend.

Every Saturday morning.

Official sources said that last year 15 thousand people they went to this move and this year they are expecting, at least, a similar competition.

Attention: in case of the rain, the event will be postponed until 31 March in the Plaza Mayor Seeber in Palermo.

"Buenos Aires Celebrates Ireland" is one of the many events that will take place this weekend in the city: bars and restaurants They offer promotions and discounts on beers. In addition, there is, among other proposals, the gastronomic patio of communities – this Saturday – and the French theme fair Le Marché.

In Buenos Aires, the Irish community exceeds 500,000 people. Saint Patrick Its origin dates back to the death of this Christian missionary, March 17, 461, in Ireland. The missionary, whose date of birth is uncertain, was captured by the Irish at 16. With them, he learned Celtic and after six years, he escapes and is ordained a priest in France or Great Britain. At 40, he returned to Ireland. Some writings say this of their own volition and others, at the request of the pope at that time. And he began to preach.

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They say that St. Patrick's used as metaphor the three leaf clover explain the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that this will later become the symbol of the Irish Church. St. Patrick's Day was first a purely religious ceremony, until 1995, when the Irish people began to celebrate it en mbade. Globalization has spread this tradition in different countries.

The organization "Buenos Aires Celebrates Ireland" is responsible for the Communities Directorate through the Irish Collective – from which kiosks, dancers and musicians have been convened – together with the Argentine Almirante Brown Association of Ireland and of course the Embbady of Ireland.

Leonardo Chacón Gironza, from Clarín Master University of San Andrés



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