An Argentine tourist has been a victim of a stroke in the United States and owes more than $ 400,000 to the hospital.


Erica Rut Kaplan She was vacationing in the United States with her husband, but on the second day of the trip she had health problems. Hemorrhagic stroke and she had to be hospitalized urgently. Within two weeks of hospitalization, the patient owes more than 400 thousand dollars and his family is asking for help to meet the expenses.

Since March 3, the 62-year-old woman has been in intensive care in a private hospital in St. Petersburg, in the Gulf of Florida. The cost of hospitalization in the area is about 10 thousand dollars a day.

"My mother had a hemorrhagic stroke that He touched part of the brain in sensitive areas. It was surprising for everyone because it is a healthy person, who has never smoked. This is a case that does not match the medical textbooks, "said Fernando, one of the tourist's children." The picture is serious and very delicate. At first, the doctors estimated that the first bleeding he had suffered did not continue, "he added.

Although the patient enjoys international medical coverage, relatives of Rut Kaplan are not convinced that the insurance will support the entire complex treatment. "You never think you're going to have a serious episode like this. It is all the money that covers the insurance, but in this case it does not reach because it requires intensive therapy and you can think in a few months for a panorama of recovery, "he said in dialogue with TN.

Eleonora Rut Kaplan suffered a hemorrhagic stroke while traveling to the United States. (Source: Facebook)
Eleonora Rut Kaplan suffered a hemorrhagic stroke while traveling to the United States. (Source: Facebook)

While they are advancing with the legal means at their disposal, the patient's family opened two accounts at the Banco Provincia located on Avenida Rivadavia at 50:25, in the Caballito district of Buenos Aires. "The family funds are exhausted, we know that many people are worried and want to help, but the economic reality for everyone is very difficult and we understand that it may be complicated," Fernando Fernando said.

"We are also evaluating the possibility of a transfer.Some doctors have recommended it, although it is still a risk," said the son. However, he explained that this also has "a very high cost", which they can not afford. "We are talking about at least $ 80,000 and depending on the complexity of the case, could reach 150 thousand dollarshe advanced.

Account Information

Recipient: Eleonora Rut Kaplan. CUIL / COOK: 27137741186.

Account in pesos n ° 5202167 CBU: 0140018203401852021671.

Account in dollars No. 5030498 UBC: 0140018203401850304985.

For transfers from abroad, a Swift code: PRBAARBA.


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