Symbolic funeral with coffins and no corpses by the Ethiopian air tragedy | Chronic


A week after the plane crash of Ethiopian Airlines, just minutes after its takeoff from Adis – Abeba airport, a symbolic funeral took place yesterday, in the presence of thousands of people. At the same time, the badysis of the black boxes proved that the accident had "clear similarities" with that suffered by a plane of Lion Air last October in Indonesia. Both were Boeing 737 MAX 8 models.

The Holy Trinity Church, in the Ethiopian capital, was the gathering place for thousands of people, led by relatives of the 157 dead. However, in the 17 coffins, there was no body, none could be saved after the accident. Therefore, the authorities collected land in the accident area and each family buried a kilo, so that each victim now wears a plaque marked with his name in this space.

During the ceremony, coffins covered with the country's flag were transported through the capital, while a funeral march sounded. This trip was also the moment of greatest tension, with some parents fainting and needing to be cared for.

As for the remains that could be recovered, the Minister of Transport, Dagmawit Moges, He said that identifying victims by means of a DNA badysis could take up to six months. The first badyzes of the data collected by black boxes being known, the researchers badured that there were "obvious similarities" between the accidents that occurred in Ethiopia, where 157 people died, and in Indonesia, where 189 died.

"During the survey of the parameter recorder, clear similarities were noteds, "said Moges.


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