What are the words that do not carry a tilde, but we believe that yes – 18/03/2019


Yes, sometimes we lack accents. Here and there, and much more, with the telefonito's keyboard. Sometimes we have no doubt: the truck leaves with an accent, the tree, the last one. We already know the rules.

And one could imagine that it sins more by omitting the accents than by adding them.

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However, the Royal Spanish Academy has reported, by a tweet, that she receives many queries of words with tilde … that do not really wear it. Among them, the attention they asked – as we said – by script, you, libido, gave, faith, was, truhán. And also or, quorum, continuous, sinó, this examination, including, likewise, foot and seen. None of these bears the accent, they clarify in the tweet.

Here are the forms with tilde most searched by mistake in the dictionary in February:

I gave
the faith
he was
he saw

Remember that none of these forms are written with a tilde.

– Enclave RAE (@enclaveRAE) March 1, 2019

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Of course, if we, those who speak and write in Spanish, are confused by these words, it is something. Here, an idea of ​​why.

Script and truhan

They are pronounced with two syllables, but they are monosyllabic from the orthographic point of view. It is not uncommon to think that these words have a tilde because in the words of two pointed syllables and ending with "n", you must emphasize. But no.


The personal pronoun "you" never wear a tilde. This error is due to the fact that the personal pronouns "me" and "yes" have accents to make the difference.


Libido Sometimes missing.

Libido Sometimes missing.

This word, which means "badual desire", is not an esprújula. Do not confuse it with "livid", with "v" and it means "bruised" or "intensely pale".

Dio, faith, was standing up and saw

All these words are monosyllabic. And monosyllables carry an accent only if they serve to differentiate them from other words written in the same way.


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Until 2010, the conjunction "o" was written with a tilde when it was between two digits. Since then, the tilde in "o" between numbers is considered incorrect.


This is a case that calls the error. "Quorum", without tilde, is a Latin word. In Spanish, it would be the "quorum". And "quorum" is not accepted by the dictionary.


The Royal Spanish Academy. The building was inaugurated in April 1894 by order of Alfonso XIII.

The Royal Spanish Academy. The building was inaugurated in April 1894 by order of Alfonso XIII.

No demonstrative pronoun carries a tilde. Neither "this" nor "this" nor "that" nor "this" nor any other. Years ago, they did it.


The diphthong "ui" in the serious words does not have a tilde. When pronounced, the u seems separated from the i, but it is a diphthong in writing.

Continuous, if not, examination and even

None of these words carry a tilde. These are just serious words ending in n, s or vowel, according to the old orthographic rule.


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