Terror in a Dutch tram: a Turkish national arrested for assault in Utrecht


The Utrecht police announced the arrest of Gökman Tanis, a 37-year-old Turkish citizen, suspected of having participated in the armed attack on the local tram network located near the square. October 24 in this Dutch city.

Authorities had broadcast the image of the suspect. This photogram was recorded inside the tram in which the attack began and it was printed at the 10.41 hour, minutes before the start of the attack which, according to the forces of security, would have started at 10:45 local time (6:45 in Argentina).

"Do not approach him, but call the Opsporingstip line 0800-6070 directly," the police demanded. Arrived the night they found the suspect.

At least three people were killed and five others injured – three seriously – during the shooting that took place today in Utrecht, Holland, confirmed the city's mayor, Jan van Zanen.

In a video on the social network Twitter, the mayor said that "it can not be ruled out that there are several attackers" involved in the events, although for the moment the font does not have the same effect. confirmed that the identity of a suspect: Gökmen Tanis, 37 years old in Turkey.

According to the Dutch TV NOS, the only identified suspect appeared two weeks ago in a rape case, although his lawyer refused to confirm whether his client was on probation during the shooting that occurred today. ; hui.

Filming was recorded at 10:45. They do not exclude terrorist motivations.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte badured that the country "was surprised by an attack" in Utrecht and declared that "an act of terror is an attack against an open and tolerant society" like that of the countries -Low.

"If it's a terrorist act, there's only one answer: our rule of law and our democracy are stronger than violence," he said. Rutte stressed at a press conference.

There is still a lot of confusion about what happened and the number of people involved in the shots, but the police confirmed that one person had pulled out a gun and had started to shoot indiscriminately and continuously against the pbadengers of a tram stop from the place of October 24, to the west of Utrech.


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