The Twitter feed that explains in all simplicity why the New Zealand striker has called to subscribe to Youtuber PewDiePie


The shooting that took place last Friday in two mosques in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, was broadcast by Brenton Tarrant, one of Facebook's attackers, who called the audience: "Do not forget to subscribe to PewDiePie"

"It makes me sick that my name appears mentioned by this person," he tweeted a few hours later to distance himself from the attack. But why was it mentioned?

PewDiePie is the most famous youtuber in the world. It deals mainly with video game themes and has been for years the first place on the list of channels with the largest number of subscribers., and represents this group became famous when YouTube was still a platform for "independent creators".

However, this scenario has been threatened by the arrival of major content producers such as T-Series, which have grown rapidly in recent years and changed the way YouTube was known.

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In this scenario, the journalist Emilio Doménech wrote a thread on Twitter in which he explains how the youtubers, algorithms and mechanisms that the platform uses to work, currently intersect with the underground world of the so-called "political anticorrection", Closely related to the right alt, who despises causes related to immigration, feminism and badual diversity.

"YouTube wants you to be on your platform as much as possible, so it must convince you to stay in. So, if you see PewDiePie, the common point is that the recommendations received by this viewer are: videos of other players and videos that generate a lot of controversy among the community of players, "he wrote.

"Build this bubble, Many viewers also find themselves in communities parallel to YouTube where the conversation is not difficult to follow. (…) 4chan and 8chan are inexhaustible sources of memes, but they are also the meeting place of the far-right internáutica ", he adds, explaining thatIn 8chan one of the shooters issued the manifesto explaining the reasons for the attack.

"An influential youngster can watch PewDiePie videos, create memes about the battle against T-Series and write in Reddit about the bitch that's Brie Larson for wanting to shoot down the white man and participate in supremacist subcapters at 8chan ", near

Read also: From the far right and leading to the attack: profile of one of the shooters in New Zealand

Read the thread of 28 tweets here:

??1. In Christchurch, New Zealand, one of the shooters broadcast on Facebook the terrorist attack of one of the mosques. While he was getting ready, he told the audience: "And do not forget to subscribe to PewDiePie."

Because? I will explain in this thread

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??2. PewDiePie is the most famous youtuber in the world. For years, leads the list of channels with the largest number of subscribers.

Until the arrival of T-Series, it's a Bollywood mega-producer whose growth took months to be much faster than PewDiePie.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??3. PewDiePie is a player, but in recent years, his content is mainly composed of reaction videos to memes. His most famous program is Meme Review, in which he badyzes the most relevant memes of each week.

(Notice: I am a faithful follower for a long time and I love it).

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

4. PewDiePie represents this kind of audience became famous when YouTube was still a platform of independent creators. With the landing of big content companies such as T-Series, YouTube, we knew it, was likely to move on to a better life.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

5. That's why PewDiePie will become a kind of "last hero" of the original YouTube and that many creators will turn to help you stop T-Series.

How to create the most epic ad campaign in the history of YouTube. Seriously

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??6. It must be said that this for PewDiePie was always a joke, a meme who was born from his own channel. In fact, he has released the great song "Bitch Lasagna" which has become the hymn of the phenomenon. This is his most watched video.

(Opinion: it's a good song) .https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??7. The campaign to save PewDiePie had in Youtuber MrBeast his best paladin. The guy made a video of nearly 12 hours in which he only said the name of PewDiePie ¡100,000 !! time

It is this: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??8. MrBeast is one of the many youtubers who joined the battle to save PewDiePie. Even Logan Paul, a person whom PewDiePie has mocked many times, has recorded a video asking his legion of children to follow PewDiePie: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??9. I tell you all this so that you know that the origin of "Subscribe to PewDiePie" is good. It's a Yutuber-era Goliath vs. where independent creators unite for one last fight against corporate evil.

And look at your success:

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

10. But that's when things go wrong. As I have already explained on some occasions, PewDiePie is the beginning of the vortex of far right content on YouTube. The place where many viewers start creating their own toxic content bubble.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

11. PewDiePie is a "YouTube player", with all that that entails. The YouTube gamer community quickly accepts anti-politically correct (anti-PC, for now) arguments. The examples are varied.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

12. Some are recent, such as the lawsuit against Brie Larson (and #CaptainMarvel) because the actress said that she wanted more diversity among the professional critics Many read this as an affront to the white man and shaved Larson with videos the attacker.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

13. PewDiePie posted a video the other day in which he bought all those arguments against Brie Larson, by the way: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

14. Other examples have something longer, like the controversy of the "Battlefield 5" trailer, as he appeared as a woman with a bionic arm in a scene of the Second World War. World War.

PewDiePie also joined the review: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

15. This is relevant because if a viewer sees the content of PewDiePie, he will have at the end recommendations of videos in the same content bubble.

YouTube wants you to be on your platform as much as possible. He must convince you to stay.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??16. So, if we see PewDiePie, the common point is that the recommendations he gets are the following: videos of other players and videos that generate a lot of controversy among the community of players.

And there, all that concerns the politics of identity is a resounding success:

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

17. The question of identity politics ends up directing viewers to channels such as ultra-conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who in fact made Meme Review on the PewDiePie channel: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

18. Another popular destination for PewDiePie viewers is the podcast of Joe Rogan, a very popular YouTube personality who has nonetheless offered his platform to far-right personalities like Alex Jones or Milo Yiannopoulos.https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

19. Built in this bubble, many viewers also find themselves in communities parallel to YouTube where the conversation is not so difficult to follow. After all, comment sections on YouTube serve very little.

It's when things get complicated.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??20. Player and meme communities have multiple destinations for finding new communities. They can end up on Twitter or Reddit (where PewDiePie has its own forum, for that matter), less dangerous …

… or 4chan and 8chan, the Internet sewers.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??21. 4chan and 8chan are inexhaustible sources of memes, but they are also the meeting place of the extreme right internáutica. Sub-forums like the well-known / pol / (politically incorrect) 4chan are full of shit.

You can go for a walk: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??22. In 8chan it's shit, shit, shit. From it emerged conspiracy theories such as QAnon and things as despicable as the Gamergate, which has organized harbading campaigns against women in the video game industry.https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??23. In 8chan, there is also a sub-forum / pol / (politically incorrect) and one of the shooters in Christchurch opened the manifesto in which he explained the reasons for his terrorist attack: https: // / mqfMIEioxI

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

24. The manifesto contains references to video games (Fortnite, Spyro), conservative commentator Candace Owens, the Second Amendment; slogans of the extreme right, of white supremacism.

It is likely that anyone with experience in 8chan will understand everything.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

25. And then there is the relay itself on Facebook. The shooter announces it by 8chans before making it (with link included) and the internet does the rest. We already know how these things are. Valirio fire.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??26. That this one comes from PewDiePie to 8chan * and is radicalized * is subject to sociological and cultural complexities that escape me, but I wanted to establish the link and see the progression so that you know how easy it is to move from a universe to then

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??27. An influential child can watch PewDiePie videos, create memes about the battle against T-Series or write about Reddit about the bitch that's Brie Larson for wanting to eliminate the white man and participate in supramacist sub-forums at 8chans.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??28. It's a seemingly tedious process, but it's not that complicated to spend months watching videos of this type and reading the kind of comments that abound in communities such as those surrounding the PewDiePies and Ben Shapiros of the Internet.

And that's all. Well.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??28 (+1). I could not have explained it better. This note from Jorge is perfect. The community itself understands the political correctness as a limit to their way of expressing themselves and making humor: https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??28 (+2). While reading some reactions over, I hope that no one will conclude that I wish to establish a connection between PewDiePie and the shooter. There is not any. PewDiePie has no responsibility for shooting. The shooter is a violent radical. End

thank you so much

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??28 (+3). Essential reading that connects here @eduardosuarez. Mentions to Fortnite and Candace Owens are not occasional. The shooter included them in his manifest for the clickbait titles ("Why the shooter mentioned Fortnite in his manifesto") .https: //

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019

??28 (+4). Similarly, the mention of PewDiePie pursues a similar goal: to speak even more about him and the origin of his radicalization. I may have fallen into the trap, but it seemed important to talk about the role of YouTube and the Internet in all of this.

– Emilio Doménech (@Nanisimo) March 15, 2019


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