The latest fighters of the Islamic State are cornered on the banks of the Euphrates – 19/03/2019


The jihadists of the Islamic State, stuck Tuesday in a small area of ​​the Euphrates, in eastern Syria, they are desperately trying to defend the last piece of their "caliphate".

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters, a Kurdish-Arab alliance backed by aerial bombardment by the US-led international coalition, announced that They expelled the jihadists from their main camp.

Those who have not yet surrendered are trapped in a very small area on the banks of the Euphratessaid the FDS alliance.

ISIS combatants change positions under the flag of the terrorist group (PA).

ISIS combatants change positions under the flag of the terrorist group (PA).

"The FDS control the area of ​​Baghouz camp", composed mainly of tents, abandoned cars and tunnels, he claimed in Twitter SDS spokesman Mustafa Bali.

"This is not an announcement of victory, but a significant advance in the battle against Daesh," said Bali, using the Arabic acronym ISIS.

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"Hundreds of wounded or sick Daesh fighters have been captured" after the fall of the camp and "they were evacuated to military hospitals," added Bali.

The FDS, which include fighters from local Arab tribes, took up positions in the abandoned camp, leaving the last jihadists without a way out.

The latest fighters of the Islamic State are cornered on the banks of the Euphrates (AFP).

The latest fighters of the Islamic State are cornered on the banks of the Euphrates (AFP).

Surrounded by three flanks, jihadists can not flee. EOn the other side of the Euphrates, the Syrian regime and its allies have deployed forces.

"The clashes are continuing," according to Bali.

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The international coalition bombings have led hundreds of jihadists to surrender in recent days. This was repeated last night, said a spokesman for the SDS who requested anonymity.

The FDS launched their last offensive in Baghuz, in the province of Deir Ezzor, in early February.

This offensive, the last phase of an operation launched in September 2018, was hampered by the presence of thousands of civilians.

The bomb attacks of the international coalition have brought hundreds of jihadists to surrender in recent days (REUTERS).

The bomb attacks of the international coalition have brought hundreds of jihadists to surrender in recent days (REUTERS).

Since January, some 67,000 people have left the enclave, including 5,000 jihadists, arrested after surrender, according to the latest SDS figures.

Most of the civilians, mainly relatives of jihadists, were transferred to Al Hol Camp (northeast), where Some 70,000 people, including 41,000 children, live in difficult living conditions, according to the NGO International Rescue Committee (IRC).

Since December 123 people, the vast majority of whom are under the age of five, have died when he was transferred to the camp or shortly after his arrival, the IRC added.

Those who have not yet surrendered are trapped in a very small area on the banks of the Euphrates (AFP).

Those who have not yet surrendered are trapped in a very small area on the banks of the Euphrates (AFP).

The "caliphate" proclaimed in mid-2014 by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, supreme leader of ISIS, an ultra-radical organization responsible for atrocities and bloody attacksit covered vast areas of Syria and Iraq.

The total loss of Baghouz would mean the territorial end of his "caliphate", after the defeat of IE in 2017 in Iraq.

But the organization already started its transformation in hiding and continues to commit bloody attacks.

Surrounded by three flanks, jihadists can not flee. On the other side of the Euphrates, the Syrian regime and its allies have deployed forces (AFP).

Surrounded by three flanks, jihadists can not flee. On the other side of the Euphrates, the Syrian regime and its allies have deployed forces (AFP).

It is not known if Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is alive. On Monday, a spokesman for the group, Abi Hasan al Mujahir, called on ISIS supporters to take revenge on Kurdish fighters all over Syria, according to a message posted on Instagram

In early March, the head of US forces in the Middle East, General Joseph Votel, warned that the fight against the Islamic State in Syria "is far from over".

The war in Syria, which began in 2011, left more than 370,000 dead and millions of displaced people and refugees.

AFP Agency.



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