An autistic boy called 911 because his teddy bear had been lost and the police saved him.


Ryan Paul is 12 years old and has been diagnosed with autism. He was playing in his bedroom when he suddenly realized something terrible: Freddy, his teddy bear, had been lost. Instead of asking his parents to help him look, the baby picked up the phone and called 911. A few minutes later, the police arrived to help him.

"My teddy bear has fallen again, do not worry, I'll save you again." "See you soon," was what the operator was hearing from the other side of the line. Before he could ask questions, the boy cut off the communication. His father, surprised, then asked him if he had called 911. Ryan responded in the affirmative by explaining that It was a question of "teddy bear rescue". The child, his parents had taught him to contact this number in case of emergency and, for him, it is clear that it meets the requirements.

Minutes after, Agent Khari Manzini has come to the house ready to help. Fortunately, soon Freddy appeared safe and sound, for the happiness of the baby. "We came as quickly as possible, Ryan was very happy to see me and I was happy to help him," the police told the local media.

The police force in Woodbridge, New Jersey (United States), He has special training to distinguish and treat cases of autism. For this, Manzini knew how to communicate with the boy and handle the situation. Before leaving, little Ryan asked him one last thing: a photo, with which the officer accepted with pleasure.

The boy's father thanked the police station on his Facebook account for "the policeman's behavior, for his kindness and understanding of the situation, as well as for taking a picture". In addition, the man stressed the importance of bodybuilding: "Autistic people sometimes behave in a distant way and speak little. It is essential that the police know this and do not think they are not collaborating very much."

Left, Ryan and Freddy. Right, the baby with the policeman who helped him. (Photo: ABC News)
Left, Ryan and Freddy. Right, the baby with the policeman who helped him. (Photo: ABC News)

As for the call, the man badured that he would come back to talk with his son to "adjust a little the type of situations in which it should be used".


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