The former CEO of PDVSA confirmed that he had declared against the K pressed by D'Alessio


Gonzalo Brusa Dovat, former leader of PDVSA, said Tuesday he had declared in Federal Court that he had been "put under pressure" by the fake lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio so that he testified before the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli against the Kirchner government.

Brusa Dovat stated that he had received "threats" from D'Alessio – who is being held for extortion against another businessman – to testify before Stornelli about the links between the Venezuelan oil company and Argentine organizations.

"Alessio was investigating the activities of PDVSA in Argentina and was supposed to involve PDVSA officials and presidents in some of the country's ministries with regard to the import of fuel," said Brusa Dovat, director of PDVSA. the Venezuelan oil company from 2010 to 2014.

And he extended the pressures of D'Alessio: "This has threatened me with the badembly of a criminal and economic cause". And then, according to the testimony of the employer, he told him what he should tell the prosecutor.

Brusa Dovat explained that, under pressure, he had to declare on February 4 this year before the prosecutor Stornelli about maneuvers that D'Alessio himself had mentioned about the oil business.

"Alessio picked me up in his truck with two people who described me as an agent of the DEA.He took me to Comodoro Py, sat with me and Stornelli. explained to the prosecutor what I was going to denounce, "said Brusa Dovat.

In his statement against Stornelli on February 4, the businessman reported – apparently under pressure – that the Argentine subsidiary of the Venezuelan oil company was "used to triangulate and launder foreign currency" with the complicity of Uruguayan officials.

In addition, he stated that the false lawyer detained "was not looking for a particular culprit", but had to "badociate PDVSA with Enarsa and Planning to have an excellent research topic".

About Stornelli's figure, Brusa Dovat said he took "in an office" to file his complaint under the conditions imposed by D'Alessio, who had kept him threatened.

"D'Alessio explained to Stornelli the terms in which I was going to denounce in the case," he told Radio 10. At that time, the man said. Business, the false attorney was neither his defender nor his representative, but only officiated for "" link "between him and the prosecutor.

He also recalled that Alessio took pictures stating that Stornelli was sending them to Pedro Etchebest, the agricultural producer who had denounced the false lawyer's threats.

The former director of PDVSA said that D'Alessio had always claimed that he was dealing with "DEA protocols". That's why Brusa Dovat had contacted the fake lawyer to advise him on personal safety issues.

Thus, the former director ratified the statement Monday before Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla in Dolores Federal Court on the case of illegal espionage.


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