The Prince of Denmark has inaugurated a wind farm in Bahía Blanca


The project has required an investment of more than 70 million USD and will provide 53 MW of renewable energy to the national system

With the presence of
Prince Frederick of


, Pampa Energía – Marcelo Mindlin's company – today inaugurated the Pampa Energía II wind farm, its second
Wind project active in the Corti region, 20 km from the city of Bahía Blanca, in Buenos Aires. The new park required an investment of more than $ 70 million and will contribute to
53 MW of renewable energy to the national system.

The fleet comprises 14 wind turbines from the Danish company Vestas, model V136-3,45 MW, which were manufactured locally. Each of them consists of four sections of tower, a nacelle and three blades driving the turbine, a total diameter of 136 meters. Like the previous project, the installation of these wind turbines required the construction of sophisticated structures and foundations, similar to those existing in the various parks of this type in the world.

The electric generators coupled to the shaft of the turbine, a height of 117 meters, will produce electricity in 33KV. Various internal collector circuits have been formed and are connected to a 132 kV transformer. The energy produced will therefore be routed to the Corti electrical substation.

This second project of the company, located in a property bordering the "Mario Cebreiro Wind Farm", was awarded under Resolution 281 of the renewable energy futures contract (Mater). The production of the park, as well as the Pampa Energía III wind farm, located in the city of Coronel Rosales, also 53 MW and about to open, will be intended to serve the segment of heavy users, through contracts private.

In Denmark, renewables cover 43% of electricity demand, the highest level in the European Union and almost double that of the following countries, Portugal and Ireland (24%) . The intention is for air carriers to produce all electricity by 2050.


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