The "world of Anto", a place to discover during the day of Down syndrome | Chronic


"My son can too" is the name of the campaign that families are promoting as part of World Down Syndrome Day with a very special proposal: use two socks of different colors and upload a photo on social networks with the hashtag #DerribandoPrejuicios, #MiHijoTambienPuede and #ChangeThe Look. And is it "the differences do not differentiate us" and it seeks to show and raise awareness of the beauty of diversity.

Light she is the mother of Antonia, Two years and five months. Before being born, thanks to a puncture, they could determine that he was suffering from Down syndrome. Mostly at the mother's, there was a lot of fears and uncertainties about it, which for them was new and unknown. With her two sons, Anto was the little woman so much awaited and wanted by her parents. "My husband Martín, the only thing she heard was that she was a baby, the rest mattered little "said the mother.

"I wanted to listen to other mothers, find out what was going on in other families, I needed to know if what I was going through was wrong, because we feel guilty, I started to find out." 39, other women who lived the same thing, it was an excellent help, " indicated

And he adds:
"In their head, there are prejudices that they want today to destroy, we have them inside, because it would be a lie to say no, the important thing is to Remove this barrier, they will arrive, they have no roof "You will not be able to do that" or "I wanted it to be such a thing and can not be, for example, model", Antonia model for two years "said Luz between two laughs.

"We will discover with the little princess and her brothers the magical world of the chromosome of love", highlights the description of the Instagram page "Mundo de Anto", where daily photos and videos of special moments, uploaded by her and her two brothers. But always with a legend that calls for awareness. Words of love from a mother who every day learns a little more from the hand of her little princess.

Santino, 9, and Simón, 13, both proud of their little sister, welcomed the family. "I chose to wait to tell you about his syndrome, I wanted to be seen, the boys are so pure that they saw the sister and not the Down syndrome, we were all five with her and we told them and they thought about it but if she has nothing … and no, there is nothing. "The youngest, who at era was 7 years old, started to cry and said, "I am worried because they are very good. How are you going to defend yourself at school? "remember Luz.

The fears that parents have with their children at each new stage of life are logical. And by nature, they try to protect and do everything they can to avoid displeasure. But overprotection can lead to an inability to develop children's skills and generate certain insecurities. Extreme protection is more common in children who are more exposed to certain forms of discrimination.

On this situation, the mother of Anto indicates that
"The issue of overprotection is the most difficult, I do a hard job with that, it's inevitable, it happens with any child and more with someone you know who could to have an additional complication in the outside world. " Parents must fight against us themselves. "

And he adds: "
Last year, I went to the garden for a while, as part of the stimulation, and I was scared. He went to a school of common integration, which is the same as the rest of my children. I've had a theme with this since the first meeting of the parents, without knowing what I was going to find and suddenly, you see that everything is in the head of one. The teachers even sent me videos on how she did not crawl while the rest of the babies did, and she remained seated. At the time of free play, when they threw toys everywhere, the children perfectly understood that she was not moving and they brought her toys. There, your head explodes and you say, "It's me who must realize and destroy the myths.& # 39; "

The mother repeats again and again that Antonia is her great teacher, she teaches and remembers an event that made her see the reason:
"One day, while we were feeding her, she was angry and took my spoon as if she were saying" enough ", I wanted to eat alone, our idea is to accompany her, by her side, a little step back, never alone but never in front of her either. "

If there is still something that contaminates our society, it is disinformation and prejudice. Many people continue to use certain words to insult without even measuring or thinking of the harm that they do.

A few weeks ago, they received an Instagram message from a NN. With words that could generate anger and anxiety to anyone.
"When I saw it, I did not tell anyone, I was angry, I told my husband because I had to treat him, I had realized that these prejudices would exist throughout Antonia's life. " The question is how to confront them and what weapons I had to deal with in my head and I published it on the networks, because it had happened to other people, so a lot of messages came from families who had the same thing. It was beautiful because it healed the pain, when it bothered me a lot and then I looked for the positive side of all that is bad, it is always necessary to draw the good and to draw lessons from it "said the woman.

"There are cultural problems, children start making a change, like my children and their friends who do not agree to use certain words as an insult."



Yesterday, I received this message and I will not lie to you through various feelings, anguish, anger, anger, pain, but after a moment of reading and reading, I started thinking and to say: this should serve to raise awareness and my place Try to teach and help people to change a lot of misconceptions. Because far from judging, I try to understand that maybe out of ignorance and ignorance, you can think of many things that are not, for example, that having almost 40 years old when I'm I had Antonia, she has Down syndrome and that the fact is that before I even thought about it and I learned that it's not like that, that it's Is something that exceeds the age of parents. But what we can not continue to admit is that they are called MOGOLICOS ESO NOOOO, because it is pejorative, aggressive and perverse that is no longer an ignorance. After telling this person (who ignores her name because she is hiding behind a gastrointestinal tip) that MA GALLERY ANTONIA is not a sick baby, it is a very healthy baby, who has a chromosome extra to par 21 and that makes it the most wonderful person in the world, but sick NOT FOR NOTHING. And finally, tell my children that the 3 will say themselves throughout their lives and that none will be a burden for the other, yes! they will need each other, they will accompany each other and the three outstanding will be among them, because that is how we educate them, because for that we prepare them and because there is nothing more beautiful that love of a brother and that there is something inside This family is in love and with that you get everywhere. If you are hiding and I do not know who you are, I tell you to change and try to be a better person, to look at life differently and you will see that life is more beautiful Mother Antonia # t21 #cromosomadeamor #downsindrome #sindromededown #downup #downsinmitos # t21love #extracromosomeextracute # t21love # t21rocks # downsindromebaby #masamor #inclusion #love #anto

A joint publication of Antonia and her world ❤ (@mundodeanto)

The chromosome of love ♥

"It's the extra chromosome that they have, the 21st pair, it's love because it makes them very pure, without harm, it's true love, it is not that "they are little angels", Antonia sends the same shit as his brothers ", he says between laughs. "
But they want because they want, not because you have or because you are, theirs is a true love, " the mother finishes


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