"Society looks at them strangely and discriminates" | Chronic


World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21st. The date was chosen by the United Nations (UN) at its General Assembly on December 19, 2011. The purpose of this celebration is to raise awareness of the "the inherent dignity, value and valuable contributions of people with intellectual disabilities as promoters of the well-being and diversity of their communities". Emphasize also the importance of their autonomy and individual independence, especially the freedom to make their own decisions.

The pediatrician Eduardo Moreno Vivot (MN 77652), specialist in people with Down syndrome, in dialogue with Chronic detailed that they "They are great people with abilities that they are able to develop with enormous potential, with a desire for excellence, to learn, to live in a society that considers them as one more … They make games like everyone else and are examples of tenacity and simplicity. "

Every year, World Down Syndrome Day is themed. In 2019, the currency is "Do not leave anyone behind", whose goal is that "all people with Down syndrome should have the opportunity to live fully, on a par with others, as in other aspects of society", the UN stresses on its website.

In social networks, a campaign to use socks of different colors has become viral and has raised awareness in society: "I wear them differently because we are the same", This is the name of the move. The idea is to promote inclusion, respect for rights and human dignity. "I am very happy with the decision made in Argentina with these different media to start talking about diversity, inclusion so that people with Down syndrome can be considered as others and that the society evolves gradually make them to know and see the potential that they have and that they can learn as anyone with their time ", said the doctor.



Can my child with Down syndrome live an independent life? If you can, because you have abilities, we must discover and give them the tools and the opportunity to develop them. – how to believe in them, see their abilities, and not see them as limited people. Teach them also the different skills they will need according to their age and laugh a lot with them. – What to teach them? Bathe, dress, play and order later; seated at the table and how to eat, ask permission, say please and thank you … You will see that they will do it very well, like all children! – Growing up, they work on identity because it will give them a high self-esteem. Teach them how to order their belongings, where they live, their documents and phone numbers, how to cope on the street and how to use public transit. Teach them how to manage their money to pay their bills, learn to shop, work, have a partner and live on their own. The person with Down syndrome can be self-reliant, because she is capable, because we believe in it and because it is what fits any person.

A shared publication of Eduardo Maria Moreno Vivot (@edumorenovivot) on

Unfortunately, people with Down syndrome continue to feel discriminated against. In this regard, Moreno Vivot said: "The company looks at them strangely because they are doing activities that they would never have imagined before: traveling in a group, going to school, reading, writing, doing high sports. level, live independently because they live alone and this makes them They sit and watch and this does them no good.Many parents complain because when they go to School, they feel discriminated against, although we have progressed a lot, they are missing the call ".

Myths and prejudices

"It is thought that people with Down syndrome can not, that they do not know how to read, that they will not be able to write, that tomorrow they will not be able to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, that they will not be able to do sports, that he can not go to school, he can not dress alone, he can not choose his clothes or he can not work, all these things have already been overcome and they can do it very well, therapists and doctors are working hard to achieve all these things, all of these initiatives put in place on March 21 serve to raise awareness and to make people understand that they are people. like all of us with their particular characteristics ", the specialist thinks that "These myths are removed from speaking, informing and working with parents, and may fall into disuse, the most important thing in all of this is education." It is also important to highlight the myth that exists in baduality, it is possible to educate them. that their bad life is like that of any other person ".



Good day to those who enlighten my day every day with their simplicity, their bright smile, their tenacity to grow, their desire to learn and to be more and more numerous, those who seek to develop their skills and to show society everything they can do, thank you also for their anger or bad mood, for their malice, for the disorder they cause, for showing them that they are people just like everyone else. world, to them, babies, children, teenagers, young people, adults and seniors with Down syndrome, Happy day and thank you for a lot !!!

A shared publication of Eduardo Maria Moreno Vivot (@edumorenovivot) on

Eduardo Moreno Vivot has been working for many years with people with this genetic disease caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 (or part of it), instead of the usual two. This is why it is also called trisomy of the couple 21: "My challenge as a pediatrician is to find the health that suits them to be able to attend all their treatments, at school and grow up playing on the spot or with their friends, in this way until the end of the day. Adolescence, up to adulthood, full and able to have a life as autonomous as possible, good people, who change the world too, who show the importance of being tenacious, simple, the joy of small achievements … I try to help parents train people. "


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