An estimated 2.8 million people are affected by Cyclone Idai | Chronic


Cyclone Idai, which devastated entire populations in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe in Southeast Africa, affected at least 2.8 million people, according to estimates released Thursday by the World Food Program (WFP). United Nations.

The image of Cyclone Idai on March 15th. The rains collapsed largely in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi (Courtesy Terra MODIS)

Of the people affected, 200,000 people are in urgent need of badistance over the next three months in Zimbabwe and 920,000 in Malawi, while in Mozambique, WFP estimates the number of victims at 600,000, but is expected to reach 1.7 million in areas devastated by the disaster. flooding.

The spokesman of the PMA in Geneva, Hervé VerhooselHe noted that the situation is particularly unfortunate in the Zimbabwean district of Chimanimani, in the east of the country, where 90% of the region has suffered "significant damage"After being one of the main areas affected by the hurricane, he reported.

I also read: Cyclone kills 200 people in three African countries

Verhoosel said Zimbabwe would need an additional $ 5 million to fund food badistance to the most affected populations, while in Malawi it is estimated that WFP's response will require a credit of $ 10.3 million.

Beira, the fourth largest city in Mozambique, after cyclone Idai. 90% of the city has been damaged or destroyed. Several NGOs have already activated specific aid campaigns in Mozambique, Malawi or Zimbabwe, a good time to launch a cable.

– Sergio Maydeu-Olivares (@maydeuO)
March 18, 2019

In Mozambique, which has declared the state of emergency for the first time since its independence more than 40 years ago, WFP estimates that at least 400,000 people need to be in the state of emergency. urgent food aid in the flooded areas of the Pungoe and Buzi river basins, as well as the city of Beira.

According to the Mozambican authorities, this town, which has about half a million people, was destroyed by 90%, while whole towns were devastated by the floods of the aforementioned rivers.

I also read: Africa: Cities devastated by Cyclone Idai

"The situation could deteriorate and it is expected that the number of people affected will increase as torrential rains will continue until today.", stressed Verhoosel at a press conference.
Many survivors have been evacuated to camps in the Beira area, while some 100,000 people remain isolated – many of them living on the roof of their houses for days – in areas of Manica province. said the spokesman for WFP.

The United Nations program estimated that in Mozambique an investment of $ 42 million would be needed to provide short-term humanitarian badistance, amount that Verhoosel raised to $ 121.5 million to meet the needs of the region affected in the coming months. six months.

The United Nations does not currently handle cyclone casualties, as many of the worst affected areas remain inaccessible, although national authorities say at least 350 people are dead and according to the Mozambican president, Filipe NyusiOnly a thousand people could be killed in his country.


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