While automation is becoming more commonplace, myths and stereotypes about workplace interference create new realities as to what is needed to attract and direct talent to the workplace. an evolving work ecosystem.
In addition, the digital transformation is pushing 75% of companies to rethink their organizational model, according to a Mercer study. This means that most Argentinean companies – but without any doubt all over the world – have gone through such transformations or are evaluating them in the short or medium term.
A report from Willis Towers Watson revealed that automation would result in new working suits, talents, skills required, and working relationships (eg, full-time, part-time, casual). Because tasks are divided into tasks and some of them are automated, new types of work and new skills will be needed. The payment ranges for top-down skills will change.
In this sense, the most common doubt is whether the work that we are doing today will be relevant for tomorrow. Another, perhaps more relevant for those who are deciding their professional future, is which career to study which guarantees a good salary and a guaranteed professional success.
It is difficult to predict, but the use of employment forecasts and salary data from Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States, Business Insider identified ttoday, they are very well paid and will grow exponentially over the next 10 years.
Jobs in the health, technology and leadership world occupy positions in this predictive ranking. Nursing and software development professionals seem to have a bright and profitable future.
8. Market Research Analysts and Marketers
5. Accountants and auditors
3. Operational and General Managers
2. Application developers
2019 Global Talent Trends
According to a new Mercer survey of global talent trends 2019, which identifies the four main trends that determine the future, Mercer wants companies to adapt in the future. future of work.
Nearly three-quarters (73%) of executives anticipate significant disruptions over the next three years, up from 26% in 2018. Leaders are focusing on the need to adapt their organizations in the future. There are significant risks in human capital, including the ability to fill the skill gap and the fatigue of change that employees face, which can hinder the progress of transformation.
"In recent years, organizations have gone from generation of a value proposition (PVE) to the employee to preserve the experience of employees, aided by a technology that badumes a fundamental role and strengthen the human resources and EVP tangible, "says Ivana Thornton, Career Director for Mercer Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.
In the climate of uncertainty we live in today, employees are looking for stability. This study reveals that job security is one of the top three reasons why employees have joined a company and the main reason they stay there.
However, one in three employees fear that artificial intelligence and automation will replace their work. "The results of the study revealed the high level of uncertainty that companies face in adapting to new ways of working in the future, as well as the risk of being part of A continuous and not sporadic evolution, hence the need to participate in alerts such as managing uncertainty, "said André Maxnuk, CEO of Mexico and leader of Latin America.
"The future of work is focused on connectivity, creating a work environment that attracts today's workforce by developing a consistent sense of identity, creating inspiring links and using information to personalize the experience, "he said. Kate Bravery, global solutions manager for Mercer's Career business.
According to Thornton, "we find that more agile tools are needed that allow for faster interactions on specific issues and focus on a particular audience, and that requires methodologies that allow for specific interactions in a shorter time frame. ".
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