Boeing corrected the stabilization system of the 737 MAX


"Boeing has already finished with the necessary correction measures for the MAX," said an industry source under the guise of anonymity.

The entire fleet of the 737 MAX remains on the ground more than ten days, following the accident of an Ethiopian Airlines unit on March 10, which shows similarities with the other Lion Air occurred at the end of last October in Asia.

Boeing was to introduce the fix to the three US-based customers of this aircraft (American Airlines, Southwest and United Airlines) as well as to its pilots this Saturday in Renton (Washington), where the 737 MAX is badembled, as well as to the airline. other industrial sources.

The version still needs to be approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)), one of the authorities who decided to leave the 737 MAX on the ground after the two fatal accidents that occurred in the last five months.

The accidents of Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines, which left 346 dead, raised concerns about the safety of the 737 MAX 8 certification.

The first elements of the Lion Air investigation have highlighted a malfunction of the in-flight stabilization system known as MCAS (Maneuverability Enhancement System).

The FAA had given Boeing until April to make the necessary changes to this essential system for the protection of the aircraft, and industrial sources told AFP that the update needed to be ready in a dozen days.

In addition to the enhanced version of the software, Boeing has also finalized the update of its pilot training and instruction manuals.according to the sources.

Boeing will be responsible for pilot training and course scheduling with 737 MAX airline customers said the company to AFP.

The costs of this training and the invoice for the development of the MCAS update will be borne by the manufacturer.

Boeing also decided that all of its devices would be equipped with a warning light signal, a feature then optional and paid., said Thursday to AFP an industry source.

Call "light disagreement", this alarm signal is triggered in the event that one or two MCAS "angle of attack" (AOA) probes, which measure the stabilization angle, transmit erroneous information .

None of the two crashed devices were equipped with this device, an industrial source said. Since the tragedy of Ethiopian Airlines, pressure on Boeing has intensified.

The company's share price lost about 12% after this accident and more than $ 28,000 million in market capitalization evaporated.

The image of the manufacturer, which also manufactures combat aircraft and space equipment, has been seriously affected.

According to press reports, the Ministry of Justice has opened a criminal investigation into the development of the 737 MAX, while the Ministry of Transportation has announced the launch of an audit on the certification of this aircraft.

On Wednesday, FAA officials, who authorized the flight in March 2017, are scheduled to appear before the Senate.

According to concordant sources, the regulator, which has offices in Boeing's factories, has entrusted much of the 737 MAX and MCAS certification, particularly to the constructor's employees, so that the linkage issues of that authority with The company will be raised at the hearing.


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